Normand Boule
Normand Boule
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Effects of exercise on glycemic control and body mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials
NG Boulé, E Haddad, GP Kenny, GA Wells, RJ Sigal
Jama 286 (10), 1218-1227, 2001
Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
RJ Sigal, GP Kenny, NG Boulé, GA Wells, D Prud'homme, M Fortier, ...
Annals of internal medicine 147 (6), 357-369, 2007
Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline
S Wharton, DCW Lau, M Vallis, AM Sharma, L Biertho, ...
Cmaj 192 (31), E875-E891, 2020
Meta-analysis of the effect of structured exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness in Type 2 diabetes mellitus
NG Boulé, GP Kenny, E Haddad, GA Wells, RJ Sigal
Diabetologia 46, 1071-1081, 2003
Physical activity and diabetes
RJ Sigal, MJ Armstrong, SL Bacon, NG Boule, K Dasgupta, GP Kenny, ...
Canadian journal of diabetes 42, S54-S63, 2018
Effects of exercise training on glucose homeostasis: the HERITAGE Family Study
NG Boulé, SJ Weisnagel, TA Lakka, A Tremblay, RN Bergman, ...
Diabetes care 28 (1), 108-114, 2005
Vigorous physical activity and longitudinal associations with cardiometabolic risk factors in youth
V Carson, RL Rinaldi, B Torrance, K Maximova, GDC Ball, SR Majumdar, ...
International journal of obesity 38 (1), 16-21, 2014
The effect of supervised prenatal exercise on fetal growth: a meta-analysis
HW Wiebe, NG Boule, R Chari, MH Davenport
Obstetrics & Gynecology 125 (5), 1185-1194, 2015
Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of high intensity interval training in type 2 diabetes
T Terada, A Friesen, BS Chahal, GJ Bell, LJ McCargar, NG Boulé
Diabetes research and Clinical practice 99 (2), 120-129, 2013
Effects of aerobic exercise, resistance exercise or both, on patient-reported health status and well-being in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomised trial
RD Reid, HE Tulloch, RJ Sigal, GP Kenny, M Fortier, L McDonnell, ...
Diabetologia 53, 632-640, 2010
Effect of aerobic exercise intensity on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of head-to-head randomized trials
Y Liubaoerjijin, T Terada, K Fletcher, NG Boulé
Acta diabetologica 53, 769-781, 2016
Physical activity intensity and cardiometabolic risk in youth
J Hay, K Maximova, A Durksen, V Carson, RL Rinaldi, B Torrance, ...
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 166 (11), 1022-1029, 2012
Examining behavioural susceptibility to obesity among Canadian pre-school children: the role of eating behaviours
JC Spence, V Carson, L Casey, N Boule
International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 6 (sup3), e501-507, 2011
Metformin and exercise in type 2 diabetes: examining treatment modality interactions
NG Boulé, C Robert, GJ Bell, ST Johnson, RC Bell, RZ Lewanczuk, ...
Diabetes care 34 (7), 1469-1474, 2011
Effect of exercise training on physical fitness in type II diabetes mellitus
KGP Larose J, Sigal RJ, Boulé NG, Wells GA, Prud'homme D, Fortier MS, Reid ...
Diabetologia 42 (8), 1439-47, 2010
Outdoor time is associated with physical activity, sedentary time, and cardiorespiratory fitness in youth
L Schaefer, RC Plotnikoff, SR Majumdar, R Mollard, M Woo, R Sadman, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 165 (3), 516-521, 2014
Effects of exercise on mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms in the postpartum period: a meta-analysis
AP McCurdy, NG Boulé, A Sivak, MH Davenport
Obstetrics & Gynecology 129 (6), 1087-1097, 2017
Diabetes NetPLAY: A physical activity website and linked email counselling randomized intervention for individuals with type 2 diabetes
T Liebreich, RC Plotnikoff, KS Courneya, N Boulé
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 6, 1-15, 2009
Exercise lowers postprandial glucose but not fasting glucose in type 2 diabetes: a meta‐analysis of studies using continuous glucose monitoring
SF MacLeod, T Terada, BS Chahal, NG Boule
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 29 (8), 593-603, 2013
Leptin and leptin receptor gene polymorphisms and changes in glucose homeostasis in response to regular exercise in nondiabetic individuals: the HERITAGE family study
TA Lakka, T Rankinen, SJ Weisnagel, YC Chagnon, HM Lakka, O Ukkola, ...
Diabetes 53 (6), 1603-1608, 2004
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