Md. Salim Uddin
Md. Salim Uddin
Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi
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Cited by
Impact of chitosan composites and chitosan nanoparticle composites on various drug delivery systems: A review
MA Elgadir, MS Uddin, S Ferdosh, A Adam, AJK Chowdhury, MZI Sarker
Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 23, 619-629, 2015
Extraction of fucoxanthin and polyphenol from Undaria pinnatifida using supercritical carbon dioxide with co-solvent
MK Roh, MS Uddin, BS Chun
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 13 (6), 724-729, 2008
Techniques for the extraction of phytosterols and their benefits in human health: a review
MS Uddin, S Ferdosh, MJ Haque Akanda, K Ghafoor, ME Ali, ...
Separation Science and Technology, 1-18, 2018
Phytosterols and their extraction from various plant matrices using supercritical carbon dioxide: a review
MS Uddin, MZI Sarker, S Ferdosh, MJH Akanda, MS Easmin, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (7), 1385-1394, 2015
Bioactive compounds and advanced processing technology: Phaleria macrocarpa (sheff.) Boerl, a review
MS Easmin, MZI Sarker, S Ferdosh, SH Shamsudin, KB Yunus, MS Uddin, ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 90 (6), 981-991, 2015
Particle formation and micronization using non-conventional techniques-review
TK Fahim, ISM Zaidul, MRA Bakar, UM Salim, MB Awang, F Sahena, ...
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 86, 47-52, 2014
Production of valued materials from squid viscera by subcritical water hydrolysis
MS Uddin, HM Ahn, H Kishimura, BS Chun
Journal of environmental biology 31 (5), 675-679, 2010
Analyses and profiling of extract and fractions of neglected weed Mimosa pudica Linn. traditionally used in Southeast Asia to treat diabetes
TS Tunna, ISM Zaidul, QU Ahmed, K Ghafoor, FY Al-Juhaimi, MS Uddin, ...
South African Journal of Botany 99, 144-152, 2015
Momordica charantia Seed Lectin: Toxicity, Bacterial Agglutination and Antitumor Properties
SR Kabir, MM Nabi, M Nurujjaman, MA Reza, AHMK Alam, RU Zaman, ...
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 175, 2616-2628, 2015
Isolation and Characterization of Lecithin from Squid (Todarodes pacificus) Viscera Deoiled by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction
MS Uddin, H Kishimura, BS Chun
Journal of food science 76 (2), C350-C354, 2011
Ethanol modified supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of antioxidant rich extract from Pereskia bleo
KM Sharif, MM Rahman, J Azmir, SH Shamsudin, MS Uddin, TK Fahim, ...
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 21, 1314-1322, 2015
Comparative study of digestive enzymes of squid (Todarodes pacificus) viscera after supercritical carbon dioxide and organic solvent extraction
MS Uddin, HM Ahn, H Kishimura, BS Chun
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 14 (3), 338-344, 2009
Solubility of red pepper (Capsicum annum) oil in near- and supercritical carbon dioxide and quantification of capsaicin
KT Kwon, MS Uddin, GW Jung, JE Sim, SM Lee, HC Woo, BS Chun
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 28 (6), 1433-1438, 2011
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of highly unsaturated oil from Phaleria macrocarpa seed
J Azmir, ISM Zaidul, KM Sharif, MS Uddin, MHA Jahurul, S Jinap, P Hajeb, ...
Food research international 65, 394-400, 2014
Studies on the sugar accumulation and carbohydrate splitting enzyme levels in post harvested and cold stored potatoes
MR Karim, MMH Khan, MS Uddin, NK Sana, F Nikkon, MH Rahman
Journal of Bio-Science 16, 95-99, 2008
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of phenolics and tocopherols enriched oil from wheat bran
KT Kwon, MS Uddin, GW Jung, JE Sim, BS Chun
Int J Biol Life Sci 6, 117-122, 2010
Removal of off-flavors and isolation of fatty acids from boiled anchovies using supercritical carbon dioxide
JY Park, MK Lee, S Uddin, BS Chun
Biotechnology and bioprocess engineering 13 (3), 298, 2008
Nutritional Status, Characterization and Fatty Acid Composition of Oil and Lecithin Isolated from Fresh Water Fish Shoul (Channa striata)
MR Molla, AKM Asaduzzaman, MAR Mia, M Uddin, S Biswas, MS Uddin
International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 5 (1), 9-15, 2016
Comparison of supercritical and near-critical carbon dioxide extraction of carotenoid enriched wheat bran oil
GW Jung, MS Uddin, KT Kwon, BS Chun
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (45), 7702-7709, 2010
Off-flavors removal and storage improvement of mackerel viscera by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
MK Lee, MS Uddin, BS Chun
Journal of environmental biology 29 (4), 591-597, 2008
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Articles 1–20