Subhashree Panda
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Cited by
A critical examination of the influence of material characteristics and extruder geometry on 3D printing of cementitious binders
SAO Nair, S Panda, M Santhanam, G Sant, N Neithalath
Cement and Concrete Composites 112, 103671, 2020
Relating print velocity and extrusion characteristics of 3D-printable cementitious binders: Implications towards testing methods
S Nair, S Panda, A Tripathi, N Neithalath
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102127, 2021
Insights from molecular dynamics into the chemistry-structure relationships of calcium aluminosilicate glasses
M Liu, S Panda, P Suraneni, LR Pestana
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 618, 122545, 2023
Reactivity and Reaction Kinetics of Calcium Aluminosilicate Glasses
S Panda, LR Pestana, P Suraneni
Available at SSRN 4957932, 0
Composition-Structure Relationships for Calcium Aluminosilicate Glasses
S Panda, M Liu, RN Purusottam, J Walls, LR Pestana, P Suraneni
Available at SSRN 4952508, 0
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