Stephanie L King
Stephanie L King
School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol
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Bottlenose dolphins can use learned vocal labels to address each other
SL King, VM Janik
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32), 13216-13221, 2013
Vocal copying of individually distinctive signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins
SL King, LS Sayigh, RS Wells, W Fellner, VM Janik
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1757), 20130053, 2013
An interim framework for assessing the population consequences of disturbance
SL King, RS Schick, C Donovan, CG Booth, M Burgman, L Thomas, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (10), 1150-1158, 2015
Identifying signature whistles from recordings of groups of unrestrained bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
VM Janik, SL King, LS Sayigh, RS Wells
Marine Mammal Science 29 (1), 109-122, 2013
Come dine with me: food-associated social signalling in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
SL King, VM Janik
Animal cognition 18, 969-974, 2015
Bottlenose dolphins can understand their partner's role in a cooperative task
K Jaakkola, E Guarino, K Donegan, SL King
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285, DOI: 10.1098 …, 2018
The role of signature whistle matching in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus
SL King, HE Harley, VM Janik
Animal Behaviour 96, 79-86, 2014
Multi-network-based diffusion analysis reveals vertical cultural transmission of sponge tool use within dolphin matrilines
S Wild, SJ Allen, M Krützen, SL King, L Gerber, WJE Hoppitt
Biology Letters 15 (7),, 2019
Affiliation history and age similarity predict alliance formation in adult male bottlenose dolphins
Livia Gerber, Richard C Connor, Stephanie L King, Simon J Allen, Samuel ...
Behavioral Ecology, 2020
A protocol for implementing the interim population consequences of disturbance (PCoD) approach: quantifying and assessing the effects of UK offshore renewable energy …
J Harwood, S King, R Schick, C Donovan, C Booth
Scott. Mar. Freshwater Sci 5, 97, 2014
Cooperation-based concept formation in male bottlenose dolphins
SL King, RC Connor, M Krützen, SJ Allen
Nature Communications 12 (2373), 2021
Bottlenose dolphins retain individual vocal labels in multi-level alliances
SL King, WR Friedman, SJ Allen, L Gerber, FH Jensen, RC Connor, ...
Current Biology, 2018
Vocal matching: the what, the why and the how
SL King, PK McGregor
Biology Letters 12 (10), 20160666, 2016
You talkin’to me? Interactive playback is a powerful yet underused tool in animal communication research
SL King
Biology Letters 11 (7), 20150403, 2015
Social integration influences fitness in allied male dolphins
L Gerber, RC Connor, SJ Allen, K Horlacher, SL King, WB Sherwin, ...
Current Biology 32, 2022
Vocal behaviour of allied male dolphins during cooperative mate guarding
SL King, SJ Allen, M Krützen, RC Connor
Animal Cognition,, 2019
Evidence that bottlenose dolphins can communicate with vocal signals to solve a cooperative task
SL King, E Guarino, K Donegan, C McMullen, K Jaakkola
Royal Society Open Science 8, 202073, 2021
Maternal signature whistle use aids mother-calf reunions in a bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
SL King, E Guarino, L Keaton, L Erb, K Jaakkola
Behavioural Processes 126, 64-70, 2016
Understanding the population consequences of acoustic disturbance for marine mammals
J Harwood, S King, C Booth, C Donovan, RS Schick, L Thomas, L New
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, 417-423, 2016
Acoustic coordination by allied male dolphins in a cooperative context
BL Moore, RC Connor, SJ Allen, M Krützen, SL King
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (http://dx.doi …, 2020
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Articles 1–20