Kazuki Morita
Kazuki Morita
The University of Tokyo, 東京大学
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Thermodynamics of solar-grade-silicon refining
K Morita, T Miki
Intermetallics 11 (11-12), 1111-1117, 2003
Refining of silicon during its solidification from a Si–Al melt
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Journal of Crystal Growth 311 (3), 776-779, 2009
Removal of phosphorus by the solidification refining with Si—Al melts
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Science and technology of advanced materials 4 (6), 531-537, 2003
Removal of B from Si by solidification refining with Si-Al melts
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 36 (6), 731-736, 2005
Refining of Si by the solidification of Si-Al melt with electromagnetic force
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
ISIJ international 45 (7), 967-971, 2005
Removal of boron from molten silicon using CaO–SiO2 based slags
LAV Teixeira, K Morita
ISIJ international 49 (6), 783-787, 2009
Thermal conductivity of the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system
Y Kang, K Morita
ISIJ international 46 (3), 420-426, 2006
Thermodynamics of phosphorus in molten silicon
T Miki, K Morita, N Sano
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 27, 937-941, 1996
Boron removal by titanium addition in solidification refining of silicon with Si-Al melt
T Yoshikawa, K Arimura, K Morita
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 36, 837-842, 2005
Behavior and state of boron in CaO–SiO2 slags during refining of solar grade silicon
LAV Teixeira, Y Tokuda, T Yoko, K Morita
ISIJ international 49 (6), 777-782, 2009
Thermodynamic study of the effect of calcium on removal of phosphorus from silicon by acid leaching treatment
T Shimpo, T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 35 (2), 277-284, 2004
Resurrection of the iron and phosphorus resource in steel-making slag
K Morita, M Guo, N Oka, N Sano
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 4, 93-101, 2002
Boron removal from metallurgical grade silicon by oxidizing refining
J WU, Y Bin, Y DAI, K Morita
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 19 (2), 463-467, 2009
Liquid state 29Si NMR study on the sol-gel reaction mechanisms of ormosils
T Iwamoto, K Morita, JD Mackenzie
Journal of non-crystalline solids 159 (1-2), 65-72, 1993
Solid solubilities and thermodynamic properties of aluminum in solid silicon
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (8), G465, 2003
An evolving method for solar-grade silicon production: solvent refining
T Yoshikawa, K Morita
Jom 64, 946-951, 2012
Thermodynamic evaluation of new metallurgical refining processes for SOG-silicon production
K Morita, T Yoshikawa
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 21 (3), 685-690, 2011
Mechanism Study on the Formation of Liquid Calcium Aluminate Inclusion from MgO‐Al2O3 Spinel
YJ Kang, F Li, K Morita, D Sichen
steel research international 77 (11), 785-792, 2006
Observation on physical growth of nonmetallic inclusion in liquid steel during ladle treatment
Y Kang, B Sahebkar, PR Scheller, K Morita, D Sichen
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 42, 522-534, 2011
Aluminum deoxidation equilibrium of molten iron–aluminum alloy with wide aluminum composition range at 1 873 K
Y Kang, M Thunman, D Sichen, T Morohoshi, K Mizukami, K Morita
ISIJ international 49 (10), 1483-1489, 2009
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