Timothy J. Haney
Cited by
Cited by
Limits to social capital: Comparing network assistance in two New Orleans neighborhoods devastated by Hurricane Katrina
JR Elliott, TJ Haney, P Sams-Abiodun
The Sociological Quarterly 51 (4), 624-648, 2010
“Broken windows” and self-esteem: subjective understandings of neighborhood poverty and disorder
TJ Haney
Social Science Research 36 (3), 968-994, 2007
Does compassion go viral? Social media, caring, and the Fort McMurray wildfire
S Boulianne, J Minaker, TJ Haney
Information, Communication & Society 21 (5), 697-711, 2018
Factory to faculty: Socioeconomic difference and the educational experiences of university professors
TJ Haney
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 52 (2), 160-186, 2015
Families and hurricane response: evacuation, separation, and the emotional toll of hurricane Katrina
TJ Haney, JR Elliott, E Fussell
The sociology of Katrina: perspectives on a modern catastrophe. 8, 2007
The extreme gendering of COVID− 19: Household tasks and division of labour satisfaction during the pandemic
TJ Haney, K Barber
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 59 (S1), 26-47, 2022
‘There’s always winners and losers’: traditional masculinity, resource dependence and post-disaster environmental complacency
T Milnes, TJ Haney
Environmental Sociology 3 (3), 260-273, 2017
Move out or dig in? Risk awareness and mobility plans in disaster‐affected communities
TJ Haney
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 1-13, 2018
“The river is not the same anymore”: environmental risk and uncertainty in the aftermath of the High River, Alberta, flood
TJ Haney, C McDonald-Harker
Social Currents 4 (6), 594-612, 2017
Paradise found? The emergence of social capital, place attachment, and civic engagement after disaster
TJ Haney
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 36 (2), 97-119, 2018
The experiential gap in disaster research: feminist epistemology and the contribution of local affected researchers
K Barber, TJ Haney
Sociological Spectrum 36 (2), 57-74, 2016
“we need to do something about this”: children and youth’s post‐disaster views on climate change and environmental crisis
C McDonald‐Harker, EM Bassi, TJ Haney
Sociological Inquiry 92 (1), 5-33, 2022
Flooding and the ‘new normal’: What is the role of gender in experiences of post‐disaster ontological security?
TJ Haney, D Gray‐Scholz
Disasters 44 (2), 262-284, 2020
‘Scientists don’t care about truth anymore’: the climate crisis and rejection of science in Canada’s oil country
TJ Haney
Environmental Sociology 8 (1), 7-24, 2022
The bottom line: An exercise to help students understand how social inequality is actively constructed
M Abelev, MB Vincent, TJ Haney
Teaching Sociology 36 (2), 150-160, 2008
Out of sight, out of mind? Geographic and social predictors of flood risk awareness
D Gray‐Scholz, TJ Haney, P MacQuarrie
Risk analysis 39 (11), 2543-2558, 2019
The Sociological Determination: A Reflexive Look at Conducting Local Disaster Research after Hurricane Katrina
TJ Haney, JR Elliott
Sociology Mind 3 (1), 7-15, 2013
Narrating the storm: storytelling as a methodological approach to understanding Hurricane Katrina
K Barber, DA Hidalgo, TJ Haney, S Weeber, JW Pardee, J Day
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy 13 (2), 99-120, 2007
‘We’re All Middle Class Here’: Privilege and the Denial of Class Inequality in the Canadian Professoriate
TJ Haney
Working in class: Recognizing how social class shapes our academic work, 141-56, 2016
Families and hurricane response: Risk, roles, resources, race, and religion
TJ Haney, JR Elliott, E Fussell
The sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a modern catastrophe 2, 77-102, 2010
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