Julia Stasinska
Julia Stasinska
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Cited by
Distant multipartite entanglement in a first order phase transition
J Stasińska, B Rogers, M Paternostro, G De Chiara, A Sanpera
Phys. Rev. A 89 (3), 032330, 2014
Bell inequalities with no quantum violation and unextendable product bases
R Augusiak, J Stasińska, C Hadley, JK Korbicz, M Lewenstein, A Acín
Physical review letters 107 (7), 070401, 2011
Hidden string order in a hole superconductor with extended correlated hopping
RW Chhajlany, PR Grzybowski, J Stasińska, M Lewenstein, O Dutta
Physical Review Letters 116 (22), 225303, 2016
Beyond the standard entropic inequalities: Stronger scalar separability criteria and their applications
R Augusiak, J Stasińska, P Horodecki
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (1), 012333, 2008
The glass to superfluid transition in dirty bosons on a lattice
J Stasińska, P Massignan, M Bishop, J Wehr, A Sanpera, M Lewenstein
New Journal of Physics 14 (4), 043043, 2012
Manipulating mesoscopic multipartite entanglement with atom-light interfaces
J Stasińska, C Rodó, S Paganelli, G Birkl, A Sanpera
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (6), 062304, 2009
Positive maps, majorization, entropic inequalities and detection of entanglement
R Augusiak, J Stasińska
New Journal of Physics 11 (5), 053018, 2009
General scheme for construction of scalar separability criteria from positive maps
R Augusiak, J Stasińska
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (1), 010303, 2008
Rotationally invariant bipartite states and bound entanglement
R Augusiak, J Stasińska
Physics Letters A 363 (3), 182-191, 2007
Clustered superfluids in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with extended correlated hopping
J Stasińska, O Dutta, L Barbiero, M Lewenstein, RW Chhajlany
Physical Review B 103 (13), 134513, 2021
Bose-Hubbard model with random impurities: Multiband and nonlinear hopping effects
J Stasińska, M Łącki, O Dutta, J Zakrzewski, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063634, 2014
Convergence of expansions in Schrödinger and Dirac eigenfunctions, with an application to the R-matrix theory
J Stasińska
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 022101, 2012
Effects of extended correlated hopping in a bose-bose mixture
J Stasińska, RW Chhajlany, O Dutta, M Lewenstein
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.13359, 2019
Beyond pure state entanglement for atomic ensembles
J Stasińska, S Paganelli, A Sanpera
New Journal of Physics 14 (3), 033034, 2012
Correlations in multipartite systems: From entanglement to localization
J Stasinska
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,, 2013
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Articles 1–15