Articles with public access mandates - Claudia KniefLearn more
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The active methanotrophic community in hydromorphic soils changes in response to changing methane concentration
C Knief, S Kolb, PLE Bodelier, A Lipski, PF Dunfield
Environmental Microbiology 8 (2), 321-333, 2006
Mandates: German Research Foundation
An integrated proteomics and transcriptomics reference data set provides new insights into the Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroid metabolism in soybean root …
N Delmotte, CH Ahrens, C Knief, E Qeli, M Koch, HM Fischer, JA Vorholt, ...
Proteomics 10 (7), 1391-1400, 2010
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Initial microaggregate formation: Association of microorganisms to montmorillonite-goethite aggregates under wetting and drying cycles
L Krause, D Biesgen, A Treder, SA Schweizer, E Klumpp, C Knief, ...
Geoderma 351, 250-260, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Clay content modulates differences in bacterial community structure in soil aggregates of different size
D Biesgen, K Frindte, S Maarastawi, C Knief
Geoderma 376, 114544, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Temporal dynamics and compartment specific rice straw degradation in bulk soil and the rhizosphere of maize
SA Maarastawi, K Frindte, R Geer, E Kröber, C Knief
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 127, 200-212, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Characterization of the first rice paddy cluster I isolate, Methyloterricola oryzae gen. nov., sp. nov. and amended description of Methylomagnum ishizawai
K Frindte, SA Maarastawi, A Lipski, J Hamacher, C Knief
International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 67 (11 …, 2017
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Microbial potential for denitrification in the hyperarid Atacama Desert soils
D Wu, M Senbayram, G Moradi, R Mörchen, C Knief, E Klumpp, DL Jones, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 157, 108248, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, German Research Foundation, UK …
Spatial patterns of prokaryotic communities in kettle hole soils follow soil horizonation
K Frindte, S Kolb, M Sommer, J Augustin, C Knief
Applied Soil Ecology 185, 104796, 2023
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Microaggregates in soils
KU Totsche, W Amelung, MH Gerzabek, G Guggenberger, E Klumpp, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181 (1), 104-136, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Crop Rotation and Straw Application Impact Microbial Communities in Italian and Philippine Soils and the Rhizosphere of Zea mays
SA Maarastawi, K Frindte, M Linnartz, C Knief
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1295, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Rice straw serves as additional carbon source for rhizosphere microorganisms and reduces root exudate consumption
SA Maarastawi, K Frindte, PLE Bodelier, C Knief
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 235-238, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Moisture activation and carbon use efficiency of soil microbial communities along an aridity gradient in the Atacama Desert
DL Jones, S Olivera-Ardid, E Klumpp, C Knief, PW Hill, E Lehndorff, R Bol
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 117, 68-71, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Wet sieving versus dry crushing: Soil microaggregates reveal different physical structure, bacterial diversity and organic matter composition in a clay gradient
VJ Felde, SA Schweizer, D Biesgen, A Ulbrich, D Uteau, C Knief, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (2), 810-828, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Differential impact of plant secondary metabolites on the soil microbiota
V Schütz, K Frindte, J Cui, P Zhang, S Hacquard, P Schulze-Lefert, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 666010, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Tracing elevational changes in microbial life and organic carbon sources in soils of the Atacama Desert
C Knief, R Bol, W Amelung, S Kusch, K Frindte, E Eckmeier, A Jaeschke, ...
Global and Planetary Change 184, 103078, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Effects of elevated tropospheric ozone concentration on the bacterial community in the phyllosphere and rhizoplane of rice
Y Ueda, K Frindte, C Knief, MD Ashrafuzzaman, M Frei
PLoS One 11 (9), e0163178, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Root-rhizosphere-soil interactions in biopores
AS Wendel, SL Bauke, W Amelung, C Knief
Plant and Soil 475 (1), 253-277, 2022
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Draft genomes of gammaproteobacterial methanotrophs isolated from terrestrial ecosystems
R Hamilton, KD Kits, VA Ramonovskaya, ON Rozova, H Yurimoto, ...
Genome Announcements 3 (3), 10.1128/genomea. 00515-15, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Preferential flow pathways in paddy rice soils as hot spots for nutrient cycling
I Fuhrmann, S Maarastawi, J Neumann, W Amelung, K Frindte, C Knief, ...
Geoderma 337, 594-606, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Maize (Zea mays L.) Root Growth and Its Potential Consequences for the Assembly of the Rhizosphere Microbiota
M Bonkowski, M Tarkka, BS Razavi, H Schmidt, E Blagodatskaya, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 619499, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Helmholtz Association
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