Simon J. Cook
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Cited by
A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya
DH Shugar, M Jacquemart, D Shean, S Bhushan, K Upadhyay, A Sattar, ...
Science 373 (6552), 300-306, 2021
Subglacial basins: Their origin and importance in glacial systems and landscapes
SJ Cook, DA Swift
Earth-Science Reviews 115 (4), 332-372, 2012
Heterogeneity in Karakoram glacier surges
DJ Quincey, NF Glasser, SJ Cook, A Luckman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (7), 1288-1300, 2015
Estimating the volume of Alpine glacial lakes
SJ Cook, DJ Quincey
Earth Surface Dynamics 3, 559-575, 2015
Glacier change and glacial lake outburst flood risk in the Bolivian Andes
SJ Cook, I Kougkoulos, LA Edwards, J Dortch, D Hoffmann
The Cryosphere 10 (5), 2399-2413, 2016
Ice-cored moraine degradation mapped and quantified using an unmanned aerial vehicle: a case study from a polythermal glacier in Svalbard
DJG TN Tonkin, NG Midgley, SJ Cook
Geomorphology 258, 1-10, 2016
The empirical basis for modelling glacial erosion rates
SJ Cook, DA Swift, MP Kirkbride, PG Knight, RI Waller
Nature communications 11 (1), 759, 2020
Accelerated mass loss of Himalayan glaciers since the Little Ice Age
E Lee, JL Carrivick, DJ Quincey, SJ Cook, WHM James, LE Brown
Scientific reports 11 (1), 24284, 2021
Basal ice facies: a review and unifying approach
B Hubbard, S Cook, H Coulson
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (19-20), 1956-1969, 2009
Use of multi-criteria decision analysis to identify potentially dangerous glacial lakes
I Kougkoulos, SJ Cook, V Jomelli, L Clarke, E Symeonakis, JM Dortch, ...
Science of the Total Environment 621, 1453-1466, 2018
Modelling glacial lake outburst flood impacts in the Bolivian Andes
I Kougkoulos, SJ Cook, LA Edwards, LJ Clarke, E Symeonakis, JM Dortch, ...
Natural Hazards 94, 1415-1438, 2018
Progress and challenges in glacial lake outburst flood research (2017–2021): a research community perspective
A Emmer, SK Allen, M Carey, H Frey, C Huggel, O Korup, M Mergili, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2022, 1-34, 2022
Distribution and characteristics of overdeepenings beneath the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets: Implications for overdeepening origin and evolution
H Patton, DA Swift, CD Clark, SJ Livingstone, SJ Cook
Quaternary Science Reviews 148, 128-145, 2016
Sedimentary and tectonic architecture of a large push moraine: a case study from Hagafellsjökull-Eystri, Iceland
MR Bennett, D Huddart, RI Waller, N Cassidy, A Tomio, P Zukowskyj, ...
Sedimentary Geology 172 (3-4), 269-292, 2004
Glaciohydraulic supercooling: the process and its significance
SJ Cook, RI Waller, PG Knight
Progress in Physical Geography 30 (5), 577-588, 2006
Evolution of high-Arctic glacial landforms during deglaciation
NG Midgley, TN Tonkin, DJ Graham, SJ Cook
Geomorphology 311, 63-75, 2018
Role of glaciohydraulic supercooling in the formation of stratified facies basal ice: Svínafellsjökull and Skaftafellsjökull, southeast Iceland
SJ Cook, ZP Robinson, IJ Fairchild, PG Knight, RI Waller, IAN Boomer
Boreas 39 (1), 24-38, 2010
The geography of basal ice and its relationship to glaciohydraulic supercooling: Svínafellsjökull, southeast Iceland
SJ Cook, PG Knight, RI Waller, ZP Robinson, WG Adam
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (19-21), 2309-2315, 2007
160 glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) across the Tropical Andes since the Little Ice Age
A Emmer, JL Wood, SJ Cook, S Harrison, R Wilson, A Diaz-Moreno, ...
Global and Planetary Change 208, 103722, 2022
Modelling climate change impact on water resources of the Upper Indus Basin
JH Ougahi, MEJ Cutler, SJ Cook
Journal of Water and Climate Change 13 (2), 482-504, 2022
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Articles 1–20