Mattia Antonino Di Gangi
Cited by
Cited by
MuST-C: a Multilingual Speech Translation Corpus
MA Di Gangi, R Cattoni, L Bentivogli, M Negri, M Turchi
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2019
MuST-C: A multilingual corpus for end-to-end speech translation
R Cattoni, MA Di Gangi, L Bentivogli, M Negri, M Turchi
Computer Speech & Language 66, 101155, 2021
Adapting Transformer to End-to-End Spoken Language Translation
MA Di Gangi, M Negri, M Turchi
Proc. Interspeech 2019, 1133-1137, 2019
Deep Learning Architectures for DNA Sequence Classification
G Lo Bosco, MA Di Gangi
International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, 162-171, 2016
Enhancing Transformer for End-to-end Speech-to-Text Translation
MA Di Gangi, M Negri, R Cattoni, R Dessi, M Turchi
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 1: Research Track, 21-31, 2019
Controlling the Output Length of Neural Machine Translation
SM Lakew, M Di Gangi, M Federico
Proceedings of IWSLT 2019, 2019
Gender in Danger? Evaluating Speech Translation Technology on the MuST-SHE Corpus
L Bentivogli, B Savoldi, M Negri, MA Di Gangi, R Cattoni, M Turchi
ACL 2020, 2020
End-to-End Speech-Translation with Knowledge Distillation: FBK@ IWSLT2020
M Gaido, MA Di Gangi, M Negri, M Turchi
IWSLT 2020, 2020
Multilingual neural machine translation for low resource languages
SM Lakew, MA Di Gangi, M Federico
CLiC-it 2017 4th Italian Conference on Computational linguistics, 2017
One-to-many multilingual end-to-end speech translation
MA Di Gangi, M Negri, M Turchi
IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2019, 2019
Deep learning architectures for prediction of nucleosome positioning from sequences data
M Di Gangi, G Lo Bosco, R Rizzo
BMC Bioinformatics 19 (14), 418, 2018
Neural Text Simplification in Low-Resource Conditions Using Weak Supervision
AP Aprosio, S Tonelli, M Turchi, M Negri, MA Di Gangi
Proceedings of the Workshop on Methods for Optimizing and Evaluating Neural …, 2019
Robust Neural Machine Translation for Clean and Noisy Speech Transcripts
MA Di Gangi, R Enyedi, A Brusadin, M Federico
Proceedings of IWSLT 2019, 2019
Deep Neural Machine Translation with Weakly-Recurrent Units
MA Di Gangi, M Federico
21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 2018
Assessing the Tolerance of Neural Machine Translation Systems Against Speech Recognition Errors.
N Ruiz, MA Di Gangi, N Bertoldi, M Federico
INTERSPEECH, 2635-2639, 2017
On the Importance of Word Boundaries in Character-level Neural Machine Translation
D Ataman, O Firat, MA Di Gangi, M Federico, A Birch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.06753, 2019
Effectiveness of data-driven induction of semantic spaces and traditional classifiers for sarcasm detection
MA Di Gangi, G Lo Bosco, G Pilato
Natural Language Engineering 25 (2), 257-285, 2019
Computational Intelligence and Citizen Communication in the Smart City
FA D’Asaro, MA Di Gangi, V Perticone, ME Tabacchi
Informatik-Spektrum 40 (1), 25-34, 2017
Data Augmentation for End-to-End Speech Translation: FBK@ IWSLT’19
M Di Gangi, M Negri, VN Nguyen, A Tebbifakhr, M Turchi
Proc. of IWSLT, 2019
Contextualized Translation of Automatically Segmented Speech
M Gaido, MA Di Gangi, M Negri, M Cettolo, M Turchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02270, 2020
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Articles 1–20