Monica Elmore
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Cited by
Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor signaling is necessary for microglia viability, unmasking a microglia progenitor cell in the adult brain
MRP Elmore, AR Najafi, MA Koike, NN Dagher, EE Spangenberg, ...
Neuron 82 (2), 380-397, 2014
Eliminating microglia in Alzheimer’s mice prevents neuronal loss without modulating amyloid-β pathology
EE Spangenberg, RJ Lee, AR Najafi, RA Rice, MRP Elmore, ...
Brain 139 (4), 1265-1281, 2016
Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor inhibition prevents microglial plaque association and improves cognition in 3xTg-AD mice
NN Dagher, AR Najafi, KMN Kayala, MRP Elmore, TE White, R Medeiros, ...
Journal of neuroinflammation 12, 1-14, 2015
Replacement of microglia in the aged brain reverses cognitive, synaptic, and neuronal deficits in mice
MRP Elmore, LA Hohsfield, EA Kramár, L Soreq, RJ Lee, ST Pham, ...
Aging cell 17 (6), e12832, 2018
Characterizing newly repopulated microglia in the adult mouse: impacts on animal behavior, cell morphology, and neuroinflammation
MRP Elmore, RJ Lee, BL West, KN Green
PloS one 10 (4), e0122912, 2015
A flooring comparison: The impact of rubber mats on the health, behavior, and welfare of group-housed sows at breeding
MRP Elmore, JP Garner, AK Johnson, BT Richert, EA Pajor
Applied animal behaviour science 123 (1-2), 7-15, 2010
Early Life Iron Deficiency Impairs Spatial Cognition in Neonatal Piglets, 2
JL Rytych, MRP Elmore, MD Burton, MS Conrad, SM Donovan, RN Dilger, ...
The Journal of nutrition 142 (11), 2050-2056, 2012
CSF1 receptor signaling is necessary for microglia viability, which unmasks a cell that rapidly repopulates the microglia-depleted adult brain
MRP Elmore, AR Najafi, MA Koike, NN Dagher, EE Spangenberg, ...
Neuron 82 (2), 380, 2014
Getting around social status: Motivation and enrichment use of dominant and subordinate sows in a group setting
MRP Elmore, JP Garner, AK Johnson, RD Kirkden, BT Richert, EA Pajor
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (3-4), 154-163, 2011
Place and direction learning in a spatial T-maze task by neonatal piglets
MRP Elmore, RN Dilger, RW Johnson
Animal cognition 15, 667-676, 2012
Microglial dyshomeostasis drives perineuronal net and synaptic loss in a CSF1R+/− mouse model of ALSP, which can be rescued via CSF1R inhibitors
MA Arreola, N Soni, JD Crapser, LA Hohsfield, MRP Elmore, DP Matheos, ...
Science advances 7 (35), eabg1601, 2021
Respiratory viral infection in neonatal piglets causes marked microglia activation in the hippocampus and deficits in spatial learning
MRP Elmore, MD Burton, MS Conrad, JL Rytych, WG Van Alstine, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (6), 2120-2129, 2014
The effects of different flooring types on the behavior, health, and welfare of finishing beef steers
MRP Elmore, MF Elischer, MC Claeys, EA Pajor
Journal of Animal Science 93 (3), 1258-1266, 2015
Operant animal welfare: Productive approaches and persistent difficulties
EG Patterson-Kane, M Pittman, EA Pajor
Animal Welfare 17 (2), 139-148, 2008
Differing results for motivation tests and measures of resource use: The value of environmental enrichment to gestating sows housed in stalls
MRP Elmore, JP Garner, AK Johnson, RD Kirkden, EG Patterson-Kane, ...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 141 (1-2), 9-19, 2012
Altered hippocampal epigenetic regulation underlying reduced cognitive development in response to early life environmental insults
KM Schachtschneider, ME Welge, LS Auvil, S Chaki, LA Rund, O Madsen, ...
Genes 11 (2), 162, 2020
The world is a natural laboratory, and social media is the new petri dish
JL Rault, MRP Elmore, DJ Biehl, MA Russell, JP Garner
Ethology 119 (10), 803-806, 2013
If you knew what was good for you! The value of environmental enrichments with known welfare benefits is not demonstrated by sows using operant techniques
MRP Elmore, JP Garner, AK Johnson, RD Kirkden, BT Richert, EA Pajor
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 15 (3), 254-271, 2012
The impact of environmentally enriched housing on sow motivation, behavior and welfare
MR Elmore
Purdue University, 2010
The Value of Environmental Enrichments to Gestating Sows
M Elmore, J Garner, B Richert, D Lay, AK Johnson, R Kirkden, E Pajor
Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8 (1), 2011
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Articles 1–20