Qaiser Mehmood
Qaiser Mehmood
Department of Business Administration, Iqra National University, Peshawar
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Cited by
Does authentic leadership predict employee work engagement and in-role performance?
Q Mehmood, S Nawab, MRW Hamstra
Journal of Personnel psychology, 2016
Authentic leadership and followers' in‐role and extra‐role performance: The mediating role of followers' learning goal orientation
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra, S Nawab, T Vriend
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 89 (4), 877-883, 2016
Cultivating employees’ communal relationship and organizational citizenship behavior through authentic leadership: studying the influence of procedural justice
S Iqbal, T Farid, J Ma, Q Mehmood
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 545-555, 2018
Employees’ perceptions of their manager’s authentic leadership: Considering managers’ political skill and gender
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra, B Schreurs
Personnel Review 49 (1), 202-214, 2020
Effect of islamic work ethics on employees work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior
T Farid, S Iqbal, M Jianhong, T Mushtaq, Q Mehmood
Psychologia 60 (3), 111-120, 2017
Shrinking employees turnover intention by applying tools of job embeddedness (used as a mediator)
FU Khattak, Q Mehmood, A Mumtaz, IU Rehman, KU Rehman
Information Management and Business Review 4 (7), 370-378, 2012
Panacea or mixed blessing? Learning goal orientation reduces psychological detachment via problem‐solving rumination
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra
Applied Psychology 70 (4), 1841-1855, 2021
Supervisors' achievement goal orientations and employees' mindfulness: Direct relationships and down‐stream behavioral consequences
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra, FA Guzman
Applied Psychology 72 (4), 1593-1607, 2023
Does positive supervisory support impede knowledge hiding via psychological ownership and workplace thriving?
M Usman, Q Mehmood, U Ghani, Z Ali
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 2023
Does employee work-related curiosity predict workplace thriving? The moderating role of core-self evaluations
M Usman, Y Liu, Q Mehmood, U Ghani
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship 11 (4), 611-627, 2023
Modeling authentic leadership and mastery goal orientation with employee attitudinal and behavioral outcomes, keeping employee work experience in focus
Q Mehmood
Impact factor journal of organizational and occupational psychology 1, 2016
Perceived internal services quality in human resources management and its impacts on employee job satisfaction. 1–7
M Asif Khan, Q Mehmood, I Ur-Rehman
Retrieved from, 2010
Authentic leadership & follower performance outcomes: mediating role of learning goal orientation
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 10021, 2016
Mixed Signals? Consequences of Dual Sources and Mis/Alginment of Empowering Leadership on Innovation
N Lorinkova, Q Mehmood
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 10100, 2020
Predicting Employee Perceptions Of Female Managers’ Sincerity
M Hamstra, Q Mehmood, B Schreurs, D Gutermuth
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 10231, 2018
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Articles 1–15