kimberley hall
Cited by
Cited by
Nonmagnetic semiconductor spin transistor
KC Hall, WH Lau, K Gündoğdu, ME Flatté, TF Boggess
Applied Physics Letters 83 (14), 2937-2939, 2003
Performance of a spin-based insulated gate field effect transistor
KC Hall, ME Flatte
Applied Physics Letters 88 (16), 2006
Ultrafast electron capture into p-modulation-doped quantum dots
K Gündoğdu, KC Hall, TF Boggess, DG Deppe, OB Shchekin
Applied physics letters 85 (20), 4570-4572, 2004
Non-magnetic semiconductor spin transistor
KC Hall, WH Lau, K Gündo, ME Flatté, TF Boggess
US Patent 7,492,022, 2009
Spin relaxation in (110) and (001) InAs/GaSb superlattices
KC Hall, K Gündoğdu, E Altunkaya, WH Lau, ME Flatté, TF Boggess, ...
Physical Review B 68 (11), 115311, 2003
Subpicosecond spin relaxation in GaAsSb multiple quantum wells
KC Hall, SW Leonard, HM Van Driel, AR Kost, E Selvig, DH Chow
Applied Physics Letters 75 (26), 4156-4158, 1999
Detection of Rashba spin splitting in 2D organic-inorganic perovskite via precessional carrier spin relaxation
SB Todd, DB Riley, A Binai-Motlagh, C Clegg, A Ramachandran, ...
APL Materials 7 (8), 2019
Room-temperature electric-field controlled spin dynamics in (110) InAs quantum wells
KC Hall, K Gündoğdu, JL Hicks, AN Kocbay, ME Flatté, TF Boggess, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (20), 2005
Electron and hole spin dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots
K Gündoğdu, KC Hall, EJ Koerperick, CE Pryor, ME Flatté, TF Boggess, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (11), 2005
Simultaneous observation of free and defect-bound excitons in CH3NH3PbI3 using four-wave mixing spectroscopy
SA March, C Clegg, DB Riley, D Webber, IG Hill, KC Hall
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 39139, 2016
Four-wave mixing in perovskite photovoltaic materials reveals long dephasing times and weaker many-body interactions than GaAs
SA March, DB Riley, C Clegg, D Webber, X Liu, M Dobrowolska, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (6), 1515-1521, 2017
Efficient electron spin detection with positively charged quantum dots
K Gündoğdu, KC Hall, TF Boggess, DG Deppe, OB Shchekin
Applied physics letters 84 (15), 2793-2795, 2004
Subpicosecond adiabatic rapid passage on a single semiconductor quantum dot: Phonon-mediated dephasing in the strong-driving regime
R Mathew, E Dilcher, A Gamouras, A Ramachandran, HYS Yang, ...
Physical Review B 90 (3), 035316, 2014
Carrier diffusion in thin-film CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite measured using four-wave mixing
D Webber, C Clegg, AW Mason, SA March, IG Hill, KC Hall
Applied Physics Letters 111 (12), 2017
Ultrafast optical control of coercivity in GaMnAs
KC Hall, JP Zahn, A Gamouras, S March, JL Robb, X Liu, JK Furdyna
Applied Physics Letters 93 (3), 2008
Appl. Phys
KC Hall, ME Flatte
GaInNAs/GaAs Bragg-mirror-based structures for novel 1.3 μm device applications
S Calvez, JM Hopkins, SA Smith, AH Clark, R Macaluso, HD Sun, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 268 (3-4), 457-465, 2004
Ultrafast studies of carrier and magnetization dynamics in GaMnAs
JP Zahn, A Gamouras, S March, X Liu, JK Furdyna, KC Hall
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (3), 2010
Role of strain on the coherent properties of GaAs excitons and biexcitons
BL Wilmer, D Webber, JM Ashley, KC Hall, AD Bristow
Physical Review B 94 (7), 075207, 2016
Simultaneous deterministic control of distant qubits in two semiconductor quantum dots
A Gamouras, R Mathew, S Freisem, DG Deppe, KC Hall
Nano letters 13 (10), 4666-4670, 2013
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Articles 1–20