Rahmat Iman Mainil
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Kaji eksperimental pembangkit listrik berbasis thermoelectric generator (TEG) dengan pendinginan menggunakan udara
H Rafika, RI Mainil, A Aziz
Jurnal sains dan teknologi 15 (1), 7-11, 2016
Pengujian Thermoelectric Generator Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Dengan Sisi Dingin Menggunakan Air Bertemperatur 10 ºC
G Andrapica, RI Mainil, A Aziz
Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi 14 (2), 2017
Effect of water temperature and air stream velocity on performance of direct evaporative air cooler for thermal comfort
A Aziz, RI Mainil, AK Mainil, H Listiono
AIP Conference Proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
Penggunaan modul thermoelectric sebagai elemen pendingin box cooler
RI Mainil, A Aziz, AK Mainil
Experimental study of split air conditioner with and without trombone coil condenser as air conditioning water heater
A Aziz, AB Satria, RI Mainil
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 12, 3043, 2015
Performance enhancement of split air conditioner during evaporative cooling application
RI Mainilv, AW Sulaiman, AK Mainil, A Aziz
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 86 (2 …, 2021
Determination of retro-aldol reaction type for glyceraldehyde under hydrothermal conditions
RI Mainil, N Paksung, Y Matsumura
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 143, 370-377, 2019
Experimental evaluation on the use of capillary tube and thermostatic expansion valve with heat recovery hot spot water heater in air source refrigeration system
A Aziz, RI Mainil, AK Mainil, E Saputra
AIP Conference Proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
Experimental investigation of a split air conditioning using condensate as direct evaporative cooling
A Aziz, MR Syahnan, AK Mainil, RI Mainil
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 86 (1 …, 2021
New application of supercritical water gasification to palm oil mill effluent: Gasification and phosphorus recovery
RI Mainil, Y Matsumura
Energy & Fuels 33 (11), 11145-11152, 2019
Design of portable beverage cooler using one stage thermoelectric cooler (tec) module
A Aziz, RI Mainil, AK Mainil, S Syafri, MF Syukrillah
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology 6 (1), 29-36, 2017
Comparative assessment of closed loop heat pump dryer and direct solar dryer system for banana drying
AK Mainil, A Aziz, J Harianto, RI Mainil
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 66 (2 …, 2020
Effect of heating rate on gasification and phosphorus recovery for palm oil mill effluent in supercritical water
RI Mainil, Y Matsumura
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 173, 105217, 2021
Kaji Eksperimental Turbin Angin Darrieus-H Dengan Bilah Tipe NACA 2415
RI Mainil
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 3 (1), 1-8, 2016
Performance of air source air conditioning water heater using trombone coil dummy condenser with different diameter and pipe length
A Aziz, A Samri, RI Mainil, AK Mainil
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 14 (2), 6743-6752, 2020
Kaji eksperimental alat pengering tenaga surya aktif pemanasan langsung (direct solar dryer active) berbentuk jajar genjang tipe kabinet
S Suprayitno, A Aziz, RI Mainil
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 3 (2), 1-4, 2016
Komparasi kinerja refrigerator dengan refrigeran hidrokarbon HCR134a altenatif pengganti R134a pada panjang pipa kapiler 1, 25 m
A Aziz, IAR Siregar, RI Mainil, AK Mainil
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 19 (2), 76-81, 2020
Alat Pendingin Dan Pemanas Portable Menggunakan Modul Termoelektrik Tegangan Input 6 Volt Dengan Tambahan Heat Pipe Sebagai Media Pemindah Panas
HA Aziz, RI Mainil, A Aziz
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 4 (2), 1-5, 2017
Pengaruh perpindahan panas pipa kalor pada posisi horizontal
R Siregar
Jurnal. online Mahasiswa 3 (2), 5-8, 2016
Pengujian Mesin Pendingin Minuman Portable Menggunakan Port Usb Dan Adaptor Sebagai Daya Input
MF Syukrillah, RI Mainil, A Aziz
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau 3 (2), 1-5, 2016
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Articles 1–20