Guillaume Bernard-Granger
Guillaume Bernard-Granger
CEA - Directeur de Recherches
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Metastable and unstable cellular solidification of colloidal suspensions
S Deville, E Maire, G Bernard-Granger, A Lasalle, A Bogner, C Gauthier, ...
Nature materials 8 (12), 966-972, 2009
Spark plasma sintering of a commercially available granulated zirconia powder: I. Sintering path and hypotheses about the mechanism (s) controlling densification
G Bernard-Granger, C Guizard
Acta Materialia 55 (10), 3493-3504, 2007
Influence of graphite contamination on the optical properties of transparent spinel obtained by spark plasma sintering
G Bernard-Granger, N Benameur, C Guizard, M Nygren
Scripta materialia 60 (3), 164-167, 2009
Spark plasma sintering of a commercially available granulated zirconia powder: Comparison with hot-pressing
G Bernard-Granger, A Addad, G Fantozzi, G Bonnefont, C Guizard, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (9), 3390-3399, 2010
A comparative study of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) and microwaves sintering techniques on p-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectric properties
G Delaizir, G Bernard-Granger, J Monnier, R Grodzki, O Kim-Hak, ...
Materials Research Bulletin 47 (8), 1954-1960, 2012
Apparent activation energy for the densification of a commercially available granulated zirconia powder
G Bernard‐Granger, C Guizard
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (4), 1246-1250, 2007
New relationships between relative density and grain size during solid-state sintering of ceramic powders
G Bernard-Granger, C Guizard
Acta Materialia 56 (20), 6273-6282, 2008
Sintering of ceramic powders: determination of the densification and grain growth mechanisms from the “grain size/relative density” trajectory
G Bernard-Granger, N Monchalin, C Guizard
Scripta Materialia 57 (2), 137-140, 2007
Sintering behavior and optical properties of yttria
G Bernard‐Granger, C Guizard, L San‐Miguel
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (9), 2698-2702, 2007
Sintering of an ultra pure α-alumina powder: I. Densification, grain growth and sintering path
G Bernard-Granger, C Guizard, A Addad
Journal of materials science 42, 6316-6324, 2007
Sintered product with a cubic structure
G Bernard-Granger, N Benameur
US Patent 8,329,605, 2012
High-performance silicon–germanium-based thermoelectric modules for gas exhaust energy scavenging
K Romanjek, S Vesin, L Aixala, T Baffie, G Bernard-Granger, J Dufourcq
Journal of electronic materials 44, 2192-2202, 2015
Densification mechanism involved during spark plasma sintering of a codoped α-alumina material: Part I. Formal sintering analysis
G Bernard-Granger, C Guizard
Journal of Materials Research 24 (1), 179-186, 2009
Effect of microstructure on the thermal conductivity of nanostructured Mg2 (Si, Sn) thermoelectric alloys: An experimental and modeling approach
P Bellanger, S Gorsse, G Bernard-Granger, C Navone, A Redjaimia, ...
Acta Materialia 95, 102-110, 2015
Sintering analysis of a fine‐grained alumina–magnesia spinel powder
N Benameur, G Bernard‐Granger, A Addad, S Raffy, C Guizard
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (5), 1388-1396, 2011
Spark plasma sintering of a commercially available granulated zirconia powder—II. Microstructure after sintering and ionic conductivity
G Bernard-Granger, C Guizard, S Surblé, G Baldinozzi, A Addad
Acta Materialia 56 (17), 4658-4672, 2008
Influence of in situ formed MoSi2 inclusions on the thermoelectrical properties of an N-type silicon–germanium alloy
K Favier, G Bernard-Granger, C Navone, M Soulier, M Boidot, ...
Acta materialia 64, 429-442, 2014
Sintering of a quasi-crystalline powder using spark plasma sintering and hot-pressing
L Ramond, G Bernard-Granger, A Addad, C Guizard
Acta materialia 58 (15), 5120-5128, 2010
Influence of surface tension, osmotic pressure and pores morphology on the densification of ice-templated ceramics
S Deville, G Bernard-Granger
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31 (6), 983-987, 2011
Microstructure investigations and thermoelectrical properties of a P-type polycrystalline higher manganese silicide material sintered from a gas-phase atomized powder
G Bernard-Granger, M Soulier, H Ihou-Mouko, C Navone, M Boidot, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 618, 403-412, 2015
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Articles 1–20