Articles with public access mandates - Shana PribeshLearn more
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Family structure and first-term college GPA: do resources, selectivity, and resilience factors explain potential differences across family structures?
MJ Dufur, SL Pribesh, JA Jarvis
Journal of Child and Family Studies 32 (1), 211-229, 2023
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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Facilitating online learning via zoom breakout room technology: a case of pair programming involving students with learning disabilities
L Li, LD Xu, Y He, W He, S Pribesh, SM Watson, DA Major
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 48 (1), 12, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Motivations and consequences of alcohol use among heavy drinking nonstudent emerging adults
C Lau-Barraco, AN Linden-Carmichael, A Hequembourg, S Pribesh
Journal of Adolescent Research 32 (6), 667-695, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Family structure and child well-being in a non-western context: The role of parent–child relations and parental conflict in South Korea
JA Jarvis, AL Gibby, MJ Dufur, S Pribesh
Population Research and Policy Review 39 (3), 439-464, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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