John P Costello
John P Costello
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Cited by
What is a luxury brand? A new definition and review of the literature
E Ko, JP Costello, CR Taylor
Journal of Business Research 99, 405-413, 2019
The impact of consumer confusion from eco-labels on negative WOM, distrust, and dissatisfaction
SJ Moon, JP Costello, DM Koo
International Journal of Advertising 36 (2), 246-271, 2017
Providers versus platforms: Marketing communications in the sharing economy
JP Costello, RW Reczek
Journal of Marketing 84 (6), 22-38, 2020
What do we know about fashion advertising? A review of the literature and suggested research directions
CR Taylor, JP Costello
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 8 (1), 1-20, 2017
Why Are Donors More Generous with Time Than Money? The Role of Perceived Control over Donations on Charitable Giving
JP Costello, SA Malkoc
Journal of Consumer Research, 2022
Consumer response to disclosures in digitally retouched advertisements
NA Schirmer, M Schwaiger, CR Taylor, JP Costello
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 37 (1), 131-141, 2018
Get your science out of here: When does invoking science in the marketing of consumer products backfire?
A Philipp-Muller, JP Costello, RW Reczek
Journal of Consumer Research 49 (5), 721-740, 2023
What is a luxury brand
E Ko, JP Costello, CR Taylor
A new definition and, 2017
“Choozing” the best spelling: Consumer response to unconventionally spelled brand names
JP Costello, J Walker, RW Reczek
Journal of Marketing 87 (6), 889-905, 2023
Corporate social responsibility and the portrayal of minority groups in advertising
CR Taylor, JP Costello
Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication, 361-375, 2017
The uptrend effect: Encouraging healthy behaviors through greater inferred normativity
JP Costello, AM Garvey, F Germann, JEB Wilkie
Journal of Marketing Research 61 (1), 110-127, 2024
How Fatal School Shootings Impact a Community's Consumption
M Shaik, J Costello, M Palazzolo, A Pattabhiramaiah, S Sridhar
Available at SSRN 4611791, 2024
International Digital Advertising
CR Taylor, JP Costello
Digital Advertising: Theory and Research 345, 2017
Donate Your Work: Framing a Monetary Donation Request as Donating Work Increases Donor Responsiveness
R Smith, J Costello, A Barasch
Advances in Consumer Research 50, 178-179, 2022
When Brands Get Disemvoweled: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom behind Unconventional Brand Names
J Costello, J Walker, R Reczek
Advances in Consumer Research 49, 364-365, 2021
Rivalry Promotions Increase Consumer Risk Tolerance in the Marketplace
JP Costello
The Ohio State University, 2021
2G When Brands Repost User-Generated Content Do Consumers Feel Threatened?
J P Costello, D M Zane, R Walker Reczek
ACR North American Advances, 2019
Risk and the rivalry mindset: Promotions involving group rivalries increase risky consumption behaviors
P Costello, J Walker Reczek, R Smith
ACR North American Advances, 2019
Giving Seconds and Cents: The Psychological Consequences of Time and Money on Prosocial Behavior and Consumer Well-being
JP Costello, GE Donnelly
Advances in Consumer Research 46, 104-109, 2018
Doing Good by Buying from a Peer: When and Why Consumers Prefer Peer Economy Purchases
JP Costello, RW Reczek
Advances in Consumer Research 46, 517-518, 2018
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Articles 1–20