Laura Marler
Laura Marler
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Change driven by nature: A meta-analytic review of the proactive personality literature
B Fuller Jr, LE Marler
Journal of vocational behavior 75 (3), 329-345, 2009
Promoting felt responsibility for constructive change and proactive behavior: Exploring aspects of an elaborated model of work design
JB Fuller, LE Marler, K Hester
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2006
Examining how the personality, self-efficacy, and anticipatory cognitions of potential entrepreneurs shape their entrepreneurial intentions
B Fuller, Y Liu, S Bajaba, LE Marler, J Pratt
Personality and Individual Differences 125, 120-125, 2018
Construed external image and organizational identification: A test of the moderating influence of need for self-esteem
JB Fuller, L Marler, K Hester, L Frey, C Relyea
The Journal of Social Psychology 146 (6), 701-716, 2006
A leadership perspective of reciprocal stewardship in family firms
AW Pearson, LE Marler
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 34 (6), 1117-1124, 2010
Bridge building within the province of proactivity
JB Fuller Jr, LE Marler, K Hester
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (8), 1053-1070, 2012
Leader reactions to follower proactive behavior: Giving credit when credit is due
B Fuller, LE Marler, K Hester, RF Otondo
Human Relations 68 (6), 879-898, 2015
Formal or informal mentoring: What drives employees to seek informal mentors?
DT Holt, G Markova, AJ Dhaenens, LE Marler, SG Heilmann
Journal of Managerial Issues, 67-82, 2016
Vision and exchange in intra–family succession: Effects on procedural justice climate among nonfamily managers
T Barnett, RG Long, LE Marler
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (6), 1207-1225, 2012
Succession-related role transitions in family firms: The impact of proactive personality
LE Marler, IC Botero, A De Massis
Journal of Managerial Issues, 57-81, 2017
Mentoring in family businesses: Toward an understanding of commitment outcomes
AJ Dhaenens, LE Marler, JM Vardaman, JJ Chrisman
Human Resource Management Review 28 (1), 46-55, 2018
Retaining nurses in a changing health care environment: The role of job embeddedness and self-efficacy
JM Vardaman, BL Rogers, LE Marler
Health care management review 45 (1), 52-59, 2020
The effects of spiritual leadership in family firms: A conservation of resources perspective
W Tabor, K Madison, LE Marler, FW Kellermanns
Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4), 729-743, 2020
Exploring touch as a positive workplace behavior
B Fuller, MJ Simmering, LE Marler, SS Cox, RJ Bennett, RA Cheramie
Human Relations 64 (2), 231-256, 2011
Psychological antecedents of decision comprehensiveness and their relationship to decision quality and performance in family firms: an upper echelons perspective
JC Carr, JM Vardaman, LE Marler, BD McLarty, D Blettner
Family Business Review 34 (1), 33-47, 2021
Does mindfulness enhance the beneficial outcomes that accrue to employees with proactive personalities?
S Bajaba, B Fuller, L Marler, A Bajaba
Current Psychology 40 (2), 475-484, 2021
Commentary: Who are your friends? The influence of identification and family in-group and out-group friendships on nonfamily employee OCB and deviance
LE Marler, LJ Stanley
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (2), 310-316, 2018
Giving feedback: Development of scales for the mum effect, discomfort giving feedback, and feedback medium preference
SS Cox, LE Marler, MJ Simmering, JW Totten
Performance Improvement Quarterly 23 (4), 49-69, 2011
Don't make me the bad guy: Organizational norms, self-monitoring, and the mum effect
LE Marler, DLN McKee, SS Cox, MJ Simmering, DG Allen
Journal of Managerial Issues, 97-116, 2012
Family business research in Asia: review and future directions
HC Fang, K Singh, T Kim, L Marler, JJ Chrisman
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-42, 2021
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