tris eryando
tris eryando
fkm universitas indonesia
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Cited by
The effectiveness and efficiency of nursing care documentation using the SIMPRO model
RTS Hariyati, A Yani, T Eryando, Z Hasibuan, A Milanti
International journal of nursing knowledge 27 (3), 136-142, 2016
Barriers and challenges to Primary Health Care Information System (PHCIS) adoption from health management perspective: A qualitative study
SH Afrizal, PW Handayani, AN Hidayanto, T Eryando, M Budiharsana, ...
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 17, 100198, 2019
Narrative review for exploring barriers to readiness of electronic health record implementation in primary health care
SH Afrizal, AN Hidayanto, PW Handayani, M Budiharsana, T Eryando
Healthcare informatics research 25 (3), 141-152, 2019
Usability and satisfaction of using electronic nursing documentation, lesson-learned from new system implementation at a hospital in Indonesia
RTS Hariyati, AY Hamid, T Eryando, ZA Hasibuan
International Journal of Healthcare Management, 2020
Hubungan Kondisi Psikologis Stress dengan Hipertensi pada Penduduk Usia Diatas 15 Tahun di Indonesia
A Delavera, T Eryando, R Jazid, KN Siregar
Bikfokes, 148-159, 2021
Standard Deviational Ellipse (SDE) models for malaria surveillance, case study: Sukabumi district-Indonesia, in 2012
T Eryando, D Susanna, D Pratiwi, F Nugraha
Malaria Journal 11, 1-2, 2012
The risk distribution of COVID-19 in Indonesia: A spatial analysis
T Eryando, T Sipahutar, S Rahardiantoro
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 32 (8), 450-452, 2020
Analisis Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Kasus COVID-19 (Aplikasi Silacak Versi 1.2. 5) Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) di UPT Puskesmas …
N Negari, T Eryando
Bikfokes, 2021
Persepsi kelompok lansia terhadap kesediaan menerima vaksinasi Covid-19 di wilayah Rural Indonesia
RR Harianja, T Eryando
Prepotif Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 5 (2), 2021
Evaluation of integrated antenatal care implementation in primary health care: A study from an urban area in Indonesia
SH Afrizal, AN Hidayanto, PW Handayani, B Besral, E Martha, H Markam, ...
Journal of Integrated Care 28 (2), 99-117, 2020
The Influence of Training on the Knowledge Level of Larva Monitoring Students in Three Elementary Schools in Kutaraja District, Banda Aceh
D Susanna, T Eryando, K Ernawati, T Mairani
The 1st International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports …, 2020
Aksesibilitas Kesehatan Maternal di Kabupaten Tangerang, 2006
T Eryando
Makara, kesehatan 11 (2), 76-83, 2007
Teori dan aplikasi pengumpulan data kesehatan: termasuk biostatistika dasar
T Eryando, T Sipahutar, D Pratiwi
Penerbit Andi, 2018
COVID-19 case fatality rate and detection ability in Indonesia
T Sipahutar, T Eryando
Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal), 2020
Stroke management cost: review in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
HR Wijaya, E Supriyanto, MIM Salim, KN Siregar, T Eryando
AIP conference proceedings 2092 (1), 2019
Spatial Analysis for Enhancing the Use of Health Data Availability from Different Sources to Help the Decision Making Process
T Eryando
Spatial analysis of stunting determinants in 514 Indonesian districts/cities: Implications for intervention and setting of priority
T Eryando, T Sipahutar, MP Budhiharsana, KN Siregar, MN Aidi, DM Utari, ...
Geospatial health 17 (1), 2022
Pengaruh Perawatan Kulit Berdasarkan Skor Skala Braden Q Terhadap Kejadian Luka Tekan Anak di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) RS. Tugurejo dan RS. Roemani Semarang
D Alfiyanti, N Nurhaeni, T Eryando
Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Internasional 1 (1), 2012
Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kejadian malaria di perdesaan
D Susanna, T Eryando
Kesmas 4 (4), 2, 2010
Hubungan pemilihan dan pengolahan bahan makanan terhadap kontaminasi Escherichia coli pada penyajian makanan jajanan
T Eryando, D Susanna, A Kusuma, D Pratiwi
Makara J. Health Res 18 (1), 41-50, 2014
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