Sonia Haddad
Sonia Haddad
LPMC, Departement de Physique, Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, Universite Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
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Twistronics versus straintronics in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides
M Mannaï, S Haddad
Physical Review B 103 (20), L201112, 2021
Magnetic-field induced singlet-triplet phase transition in quasi one-dimensional organic superconductors
37004 (2007). N. Belmechri, G. Abramovici, M. Heritier, S. Haddad, and S ...
EPL 80, 37004, 2007
Altermagnetic anomalous Hall effect emerging from electronic correlations
T Sato, S Haddad, IC Fulga, FF Assaad, J van den Brink
Physical Review Letters 133 (8), 086503, 2024
Strain tuned topology in the Haldane and the modified Haldane models
M Mannaï, S Haddad
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (22), 225501, 2020
Electric field-induced valley degeneracy lifting in uniaxial strained graphene: Evidence from magnetophonon resonance
M Assili, S Haddad, W Kang
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115422, 2015
Field-induced spin-density-wave phases in ( TMTSF ) 2 Cl O 4 at high magnetic field: Effect of anion ordering
085104 (2005). S. Haddad, S. Charfi-Kaddour, M. Heritier, and R. Bennaceur ...
Phys. Rev. B 72, 085104, 2005
Field-induced confinement in (TMTSF)2ClO4  under accurately aligned magnetic fields
N Joo, P Auban-Senzier, CR Pasquier, S Yonezawa, R Higashinaka, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 52, 337-343, 2006
Inhomogeneous superconductivity in organic conductors: the role of disorder and magnetic field
S Haddad, S Charfi-Kaddour, JP Pouget
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (46), 464205, 2011
Competing Phases in the High Field Phase Diagram of
S Haddad, S Charfi-Kaddour, C Nickel, M Héritier, R Bennaceur
Physical review letters 89 (8), 087001, 2002
Disorder-induced superconductivity in ropes of carbon nanotubes
B Bellafi, S Haddad, S Charfi-Kaddour
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (7), 075401, 2009
Kohn anomaly of optical zone boundary phonons in uniaxial strained graphene: Role of the Dirac cone electronic dispersion
S Haddad, L Mandhour
Physical Review B 98 (11), 115420, 2018
Stacking-induced Chern insulator
M Mannaï, JN Fuchs, F Piéchon, S Haddad
Physical Review B 107 (4), 045117, 2023
Interlayer magnetoresistance in multilayer Dirac electron systems: motion and merging of Dirac cones
M Assili, S Haddad
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (36), 365503, 2013
Twisted bilayer graphene reveals its flat bands under spin pumping
S Haddad, T Kato, J Zhu, L Mandhour
Physical Review B 108 (12), L121101, 2023
Long-wavelength optical phonon behavior in uniaxial strained graphene: Role of electron-phonon interaction
M Assili, S Haddad
Phys. Rev. B 90 (12), 125401, 2014
Superconductivity, Spin Density Wave and Field Induced Spin Density Wave versus anion ordering in the (TMTSF)2ClO4 salt
S Haddad, S Charfi-Kaddour, M Héritier, R Bennaceur
Journal of low temperature physics 142, 465-468, 2006
Orbital effect of a magnetic field on two-leg Hubbard ladder
S Haddad, M Héritier, R Bennaceur
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 11, 429-437, 1999
Inhomogeneous superconductivity in quasi-one dimensional organic conductors and ropes of carbon nanotubes
B Bellafi, S Haddad, I Sfar, S Charfi-Kaddour
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (3-4), 524-526, 2009
Role of the cooling rate in the stability of the superconducting phase of (TMTSF) 2ClO4
S Haddad, I Sfar, S Charfi-Kaddour, R Bennaceur
Europhysics Letters 80 (1), 17001, 2007
Fragility of the antichiral edge states under disorder
M Mannaï, EV Castro, S Haddad
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02562, 2023
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Articles 1–20