Carolina Trochine
Carolina Trochine
Inibioma-Conicet- Universidad del Comahue
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Biomanipulation as a restoration tool to combat eutrophication: recent advances and future challenges
E Jeppesen, M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, TA Davidson, Z Liu, ...
Advances in ecological research 47, 411-488, 2012
Factors influencing zooplankton size structure at contrasting temperatures in coastal shallow lakes: implications for effects of climate change
S Brucet, D Boix, XD Quintana, E Jensen, LW Nathansen, C Trochine, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 55 (4), 1697-1711, 2010
Impact of fish introduction on planktonic food webs in lakes of the Patagonian Plateau
M Reissig, C Trochine, C Queimalinos, E Balseiro, B Modenutti
Biological Conservation 132 (4), 437-447, 2006
Long‐term effects of warming and nutrients on microbes and other plankton in mesocosms
A Özen, M Šorf, C Trochine, L Liboriussen, M Beklioglu, M Søndergaard, ...
Freshwater Biology 58 (3), 483-493, 2013
Filamentous green algae inhibit phytoplankton with enhanced effects when lakes get warmer
C Trochine, M Guerrieri, L Liboriussen, M Meerhoff, TL Lauridsen, ...
Freshwater Biology 56 (3), 541-553, 2011
Transgressive dunefield landforms and vegetation associations, Doña Juana, Veracruz, Mexico
P Hesp, M Martinez, GM da Silva, N Rodríguez‐Revelo, E Gutierrez, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (3), 285-295, 2011
Structure and dynamic of food webs in Andean North Patagonian freshwater systems: organic matter, light and nutrient relationships
B Modenutti, R Albariño, M Bastidas Navarro, V Días Villanueva, ...
Ecología Austral 20 (02), 2010
Effects of nutrient loading, temperature regime and grazing pressure on nutrient limitation of periphyton in experimental ponds
C Trochine, ME Guerrieri, L Liboriussen, TL Lauridsen, E Jeppesen
Freshwater Biology 59 (5), 905-917, 2014
The role of microorganisms in the diet ofVerger cf.Limnophilus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) Larvae in a patagonian andean temporary pond
VD Villanueva, C Trochine
Wetlands 25 (2), 473-479, 2005
Influence of spatial heterogeneity on predation by the flatworm Mesostoma ehrenbergii (Focke) on calanoid and cyclopoid copepods
C Trochine, B Modenutti, E Balseiro
Journal of Plankton Research 28 (3), 267-274, 2006
Non-native fish occurrence and biomass in 1943 Western Palearctic lakes and reservoirs and their abiotic and biotic correlates
C Trochine, S Brucet, C Argillier, I Arranz, M Beklioglu, L Benejam, ...
Ecosystems 21, 395-409, 2018
When prey mating increases predation risk: the relationship between the flatworm Mesostoma ehrenbergii and the copepod Boeckella gracilis
C Trochine, B Modenutti, E Balseiro
Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 163 (4), 555-570, 2005
Factors controlling the stable isotope composition and C: N ratio of seston and periphyton in shallow lake mesocosms with contrasting nutrient loadings and temperatures
C Trochine, M Guerrieri, L Liboriussen, P Willems, TL Lauridsen, ...
Freshwater Biology 62 (9), 1596-1613, 2017
Zooplankton of Fishless Ponds of Northern Patagonia: Insights into Predation Effects of Mesostoma ehrenbergii
C Trochine, EG Balseiro, BE Modenutti
International Review of Hydrobiology 93 (3), 312-327, 2008
Nutritional stress by means of high C: N ratios in the diet and starvation affects nitrogen isotope ratios and trophic fractionation of omnivorous copepods
C Trochine, V Díaz Villanueva, E Balseiro, B Modenutti
Oecologia 190, 547-557, 2019
The abundance of mixotrophic algae drives the carbon isotope composition of the copepod Boeckella gracilipes in shallow Patagonian lakes
C Trochine, V Diaz Villanueva, M Bastidas Navarro, E Balseiro, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 37 (2), 441-451, 2015
Chemical signals and habitat selection by three zooplankters in Andean Patagonian ponds
C Trochine, BE Modenutti, EG Balseiro
Freshwater Biology 54 (3), 480-494, 2009
The ultimate peanut butter on crackers for Hyalella: diatoms on macrophytes rather than bacteria and fungi on conditioned terrestrial leaf litter
C Trochine, V Diaz Villanueva, MT Brett
Freshwater Biology 66 (4), 599-614, 2021
Diet and food selection by fish larvae in turbid and clear water shallow temperate lakes
C Trochine, C Risholt, MO Schou, TL Lauridsen, L Jacobsen, C Skov, ...
Science of the Total Environment 804, 150050, 2022
Could artificial plant beds favour microcrustaceans during biomanipulation of eutrophic shallow lakes?
D Balayla, T Boll, C Trochine, E Jeppesen
Hydrobiologia 802, 221-233, 2017
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Articles 1–20