Min Gao (高旻)
Min Gao (高旻)
School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University (重庆大学大数据与软件学院)
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Cited by
Socially-aware self-supervised tri-training for recommendation
J Yu, H Yin, M Gao, X Xia, X Zhang, NQ Viet Hung
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery & data …, 2021
Personalisation in web computing and informatics: Theories, techniques, applications, and future research
M Gao, K Liu, Z Wu
Information Systems Frontiers 12 (5), 607-629, 2010
Enhancing social recommendation with adversarial graph convolutional networks
J Yu, H Yin, J Li, M Gao, Z Huang, L Cui
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 34 (8), 3727-3739, 2020
Adaptive implicit friends identification over heterogeneous network for social recommendation
J Yu, M Gao, J Li, H Yin, H Liu
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on information and …, 2018
Userrank for item-based collaborative filtering recommendation
M Gao, Z Wu, F Jiang
Information Processing Letters 111 (9), 440-446, 2011
Double-scale self-supervised hypergraph learning for group recommendation
J Zhang, M Gao, J Yu, L Guo, J Li, H Yin
Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on information …, 2021
SocialLGN: Light graph convolution network for social recommendation
J Liao, W Zhou, F Luo, J Wen, M Gao, X Li, J Zeng
Information Sciences 589, 595-607, 2022
A study on water quality prediction by a hybrid CNN-LSTM model with attention mechanism
Y Yang, Q Xiong, C Wu, Q Zou, Y Yu, H Yi, M Gao
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (39), 55129-55139, 2021
SVM-TIA a shilling attack detection method based on SVM and target item analysis in recommender systems
W Zhou, J Wen, Q Xiong, M Gao, J Zeng
Neurocomputing 210, 197-205, 2016
Dropout prediction in MOOCs using behavior features and multi-view semi-supervised learning
W Li, M Gao, H Li, Q Xiong, J Wen, Z Wu
2016 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 3130-3137, 2016
Generating reliable friends via adversarial training to improve social recommendation
J Yu, M Gao, H Yin, J Li, C Gao, Q Wang
2019 IEEE international conference on data mining (ICDM), 768-777, 2019
Recommender systems based on generative adversarial networks: A problem-driven perspective
M Gao, J Zhang, J Yu, J Li, J Wen, Q Xiong
Information Sciences 546, 1166-1185, 2021
A novel item anomaly detection approach against shilling attacks in collaborative recommendation systems using the dynamic time interval segmentation technique
H Xia, B Fang, M Gao, H Ma, Y Tang, J Wen
Information Sciences 306, 150-165, 2015
Multiple-element joint detection for aspect-based sentiment analysis
C Wu, Q Xiong, H Yi, Y Yu, Q Zhu, M Gao, J Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 223, 107073, 2021
Shilling attacks detection in recommender systems based on target item analysis
W Zhou, J Wen, YS Koh, Q Xiong, M Gao, G Dobbie, S Alam
PloS one 10 (7), e0130968, 2015
A new QoS-aware web service recommendation system based on contextual feature recognition at server-side
S Li, J Wen, F Luo, M Gao, J Zeng, ZY Dong
IEEE transactions on network and service management 14 (2), 332-342, 2017
TLT: Recurrent fine-tuning transfer learning for water quality long-term prediction
L Peng, H Wu, M Gao, H Yi, Q Xiong, L Yang, S Cheng
Water Research 225, 119171, 2022
Drl-sfcp: Adaptive service function chains placement with deep reinforcement learning
T Wang, Q Fan, X Li, X Zhang, Q Xiong, S Fu, M Gao
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
Ultrasonic temperature distribution reconstruction for circular area based on Markov radial basis approximation and singular value decomposition
X Shen, Q Xiong, X Shi, K Wang, S Liang, M Gao
Ultrasonics 62, 174-185, 2015
Multi-modal cyberbullying detection on social networks
K Wang, Q Xiong, C Wu, M Gao, Y Yu
2020 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
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Articles 1–20