Patinya Hanittinan
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Cited by
Assessing the degree of flood damage to rice crops in the Chao Phraya delta, Thailand, using MODIS satellite imaging
A Kotera, T Nagano, P Hanittinan, S Koontanakulvong
Paddy and water environment 14, 271-280, 2016
Projection of hydroclimate extreme indices over the Indochina region under climate change using a large single‐model ensemble
P Hanittinan, T Tachikawa, Yasuto, and Ram-Indra
International Journal of Climatology, 2019
Evaluating the necessity of post-processing techniques on d4PDF data for extreme climate assessment
L Maneechot, YJ Wong, S Try, Y Shimizu, KP Bharambe, P Hanittinan, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (46), 102531-102546, 2023
Flood impact and risk assessment at the Yom river basin due to global climate change: part 2 impact and adaptation
S Koontanakulvong, P Hanittinan, C Suthidhummajit
PAWEES 2014 International Conference Sustainable Water and Environmental …, 2014
Climate Change Impact Assessment in Sukhothai Province: Intercomparison between three global climate models”
P Hanittinan, S Koontanakulvong
International conference on “Challenge of Water & Environmental Management …, 2012
Uncertainty in flood forecasting under climate change: case study of the Yom River Basin, Thailand
P Ruangrassamee, T Ram-Indra, P Hanittinan
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, 1155-1162, 2015
Future river discharge projections at the Indochinese Peninsula using large ensemble climate dataset
P Hanittinan, Y Tachikawa, Y Ichikawa, K Yorozu
土木学会論文集 B1 (水工学) 74 (4), I_193-I_198, 2018
Change of the probability distribution of annual maximum river discharge derived from the d4PDF datasets at the Indochinese Peninsula
P Hanittinan, Y Tachikawa, Y Ichikawa, K Yorozu
THAI 2017 International Conference Water Management Climate Change Asia’s …, 2017
Sukhothai flood analysis and its response under climate changes
P Hanittinan, A Sriariyawat, S Koontanakulvong
10th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega …, 2011
Statistical analysis of river discharge change in the Indochinese Peninsula using largo ensemble future climate projections
P Hanittinan
Kyoto University, 2017
Flood Impact and Risk Assessment at the Yom River Basin due to Global Climate Change: Part 1 GCM downscaling and bias correction.
P Hanittinan, S Koontanakulvong
Proceedings in PAWEES 2014 International Conference: Sustainable Water and …, 2014
Projection of hydroclimate extreme indices over the Indochina Region under climate change using large ensemble based on a single-model configuration
P Hanittinan, Y Tachikawa, Y Ichikawa, K Yorozu, T Ram-Indra
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, GC33J-1479, 2018
Evaluation of Future River Discharge Uncertainties in the Indochina Peninsula Simulated by Multi-Physics Ensemble Experiments Using Two-Way Anova
P Hanittinan, Y Tachikawa, Y Ichikawa, K Yorozu
土木学会論文集 B1 (水工学) 72 (4), I_13-I_18, 2016
Evaluation of Projected Total Runoff Uncertainties Using Perturbed Physics Ensembles
水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集 水文・水資源学会 2016 年度研究発表会, 65, 2016
Incorporation of Bias Correction and spatial downscaling to assess impact on climate change to water resources at Indochina Peninsula
H Patinya, T Yasuto, I Yutaka, Y Kazuaki
水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集 水文・水資源学会 2015 年度研究発表会, 100124, 2015
Precipitation downscaling and bias correction for Yom River Basin
P Hanittinan, S Koontanakulvong
Evaluation of future precipitation and runoff uncertainties in the Indochina Peninsula
P Hanittinan, Y Tachikawa, Y Ichikawa, K Yorozu
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Articles 1–17