Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang
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Cited by
Effect of surface roughness on fatigue life of notched carbon steel
NA Alang, NA Razak, AK Miskam
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 11 (1), 160-163, 2011
Finite element analysis on burst pressure of steel pipes with corrosion defects
NA Alang, NA Razak, KA Shafie, A Sulaiman
13th International conference on fracture 3, 1-10, 2013
Vibration suppression of a handheld tool using intelligent active force control (AFC)
MF Hassan, M Mailah, R Junid, NA Alang
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2, 1636-1641, 2010
Anti-corrosive coatings of magnesium: A review
NA Johari, J Alias, A Zanurin, NS Mohamed, NA Alang, MZM Zain
Materials Today: Proceedings 48, 1842-1848, 2022
An analytical and numerical approach to multiscale ductility constraint based model to predict uniaxial/multiaxial creep rupture and cracking rates
NA Alang, K Nikbin
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 135, 342-352, 2018
Recent progress of self-healing coatings for magnesium alloys protection
NA Johari, J Alias, A Zanurin, NS Mohamed, NA Alang, MZM Zain
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 19 (3), 757-774, 2022
Investigating creep rupture and damage behaviour in notched P92 steel specimen using a microscale modelling approach
L Zhao, N Alang, K Nikbin
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 41 (2), 456-472, 2018
A new approach to predict creep rupture of Grade 92 steel under multiaxial stress states
NA Alang, K Nikbin
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 163, 105096, 2019
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of ex-service P92 steel at elevated temperature
NA Alang, CM Davies, KM Nikbin
Procedia Structural Integrity 2, 3177-3184, 2016
Development of smart self-healing coating for the corrosion protection of magnesium alloys: a brief review
NS Mohamed, J Alias, NA Johari, NA Alang, AH Ahmad
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 37 (18), 2537-2555, 2023
Grain refinement in semi-solid metal processing: current status and recent development
MFM Tajudin, AH Ahmad, J Alias, NAA Razak, NA Alang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 124 (5), 1379 …, 2023
Prediction of long-term static and cyclic creep rupture and crack growth of grade 92 steels under different stress states
NA Alang
Imperial College London, 2018
Application of response surface methodology for parameter optimization of aluminum 7075 thixoforming feedstock billet production
A Megalingam, AH Ahmad, NA Alang, J Alias, NAA Razak
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 32 (13), 5919-5931, 2023
Self-healing epoxy coating with microencapsulation of linseed oil for the corrosion protection of magnesium (Mg)
J Alias, NA Johari, A Zanurin, NA Alang, MZM Zain
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2129 (1), 012008, 2021
Numerical Prediction of Creep Rupture Life of Ex-Service and As-Received Grade 91 Steel at 873 K
IU Ferdous, NA Alang, J Alias, SM Nadzir
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 18 (3), 8845 …, 2021
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
NA Alang, NA Razak, KA Shafie, A Sulaiman
13th International Conference on Fracture, Beijing, China, June, 16-21, 2013
Fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth behavior of rail track material
Z Sajuri, NA Alang, NAA Razak, MA Aziman
Key Engineering Materials 462, 1109-1114, 2011
Emerging progress of chemical-based coating for the corrosion protection of magnesium alloys: a review
J Alias, NA Alang, AH Ahmad, NA Abd Razak
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 38 (8), 1125-1160, 2024
Evaluation of Monkman–Grant strain as a key parameter in ductility exhaustion damage model to predict creep rupture of grade 92 steel
NA Alang, L Zhao, K Nikbin
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 57 (5), 392-408, 2022
The influence of gouge defects on failure pressure of steel pipes
NA Alang, NA Razak, MR Zulfadli
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 50 (1), 012017, 2013
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Articles 1–20