Vincent Robin
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Cited by
3D modelling of multipass welding of a 316L stainless steel pipe
P Duranton, J Devaux, V Robin, P Gilles, JM Bergheau
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153, 457-463, 2004
Modelling collaborative knowledge to support engineering design project manager
V Robin, B Rose, P Girard
Computers in industry 58 (2), 188-198, 2007
Modelling of multiple impacts for the prediction of distortions and residual stresses induced by ultrasonic shot peening (USP)
T Chaise, J Li, D Nélias, R Kubler, S Taheri, G Douchet, V Robin, P Gilles
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (10), 2080-2090, 2012
Experimental and numerical analysis of stratified turbulent V-shaped flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, O Degardin, B Renou, M Boukhalfa
Combustion and flame 153 (1-2), 288-315, 2008
Analysis of collaboration for project design management
P Girard, V Robin
Computers in industry 57 (8-9), 817-826, 2006
Resistance spot welding simulation: a general finite element formulation of electrothermal contact conditions
E Feulvarch, V Robin, JM Bergheau
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153, 436-441, 2004
Modeling of scalar dissipation in partially premixed turbulent flames
A Mura, V Robin, M Champion
Combustion and flame 149 (1-2), 217-224, 2007
A multi-Dirac presumed PDF model for turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, P Plion
Combustion science and technology 178 (10-11), 1843-1870, 2006
Resistance spot welding process: experimental and numerical modeling of the weld growth mechanisms with consideration of contact conditions
E Feulvarch, P Rogeon, P Carre, V Robin, G Sibilia, JM Bergheau
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 49 (4), 345-367, 2006
Pedoanthracology: Analysing soil charcoal to study Holocene palaeoenvironments
O Nelle, V Robin, B Talon
Quaternary International 289, 1-4, 2013
Direct and indirect thermal expansion effects in turbulent premixed flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Journal of fluid mechanics 689, 149-182, 2011
Small scale features of velocity and scalar fields in turbulent premixed flames
A Mura, V Robin, M Champion, T Hasegawa
Flow, turbulence and combustion 82, 339-358, 2009
Alterations in human ECG due to the MagnetoHydroDynamic effect: a method for accurate R peak detection in the presence of high MHD artifacts
D Abi-Abdallah, V Robin, A Drochon, O Fokapu
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Generalized multivariate Padé approximants
P Guillaume, A Huard, V Robin
Journal of Approximation Theory 95 (2), 203-214, 1998
Woodland history in the upper Harz Mountains revealed by kiln site, soil sediment and peat charcoal analyses
H Knapp, V Robin, W Kirleis, O Nelle
Quaternary International 289, 88-100, 2013
Complementary use of pedoanthracology and peat macro-charcoal analysis for fire history assessment: illustration from Central Germany
V Robin, H Knapp, HR Bork, O Nelle
Quaternary International 289, 78-87, 2013
Pedoanthracological contribution to forest naturalness assessment
V Robin, B Talon, O Nelle
Quaternary International 289, 5-15, 2013
Residual stresses induced by electron beam welding in a 6061 aluminium alloy
D Bardel, D Nelias, V Robin, T Pirling, X Boulnat, M Perez
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 235, 1-12, 2016
Influence of residence and scalar mixing time scales in non-premixed combustion in supersonic turbulent flows
L Gomet, V Robin, A Mura
Combustion Science and Technology 184 (10-11), 1471-1501, 2012
Fire and forest history of central European low mountain forest sites based on soil charcoal analysis: The case of the eastern Harz
V Robin, HR Bork, MJ Nadeau, O Nelle
The Holocene 24 (1), 35-47, 2014
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Articles 1–20