Giorgia Manfe'
Giorgia Manfe'
Tecnologo, CNR-ISMAR Venezia
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COVID-19 lockdown measures reveal human impact on water transparency in the Venice Lagoon
F Braga, GM Scarpa, VE Brando, G Manfè, L Zaggia
Science of The Total Environment 736, 139612, 2020
Saltwater intrusion in a Mediterranean delta under a changing climate
D Bellafiore, C Ferrarin, F Maicu, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, G Umgiesser, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (2), e2020JC016437, 2021
The effects of ship wakes in the Venice Lagoon and implications for the sustainability of shipping in coastal waters
GM Scarpa, L Zaggia, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, K Parnell, T Soomere, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 19014, 2019
Fast shoreline erosion induced by ship wakes in a coastal lagoon: Field evidence and remote sensing analysis
L Zaggia, G Lorenzetti, G Manfé, GM Scarpa, E Molinaroli, KE Parnell, ...
PloS one 12 (10), e0187210, 2017
Cross-scale operational oceanography in the Adriatic Sea
C Ferrarin, S Davolio, D Bellafiore, M Ghezzo, F Maicu, W Mc Kiver, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (2), 86-103, 2019
Modeling ship-induced waves in shallow water systems: The Venice experiment
D Bellafiore, L Zaggia, R Broglia, C Ferrarin, F Barbariol, S Zaghi, ...
Ocean Engineering 155, 227-239, 2018
Long-term groundwater dynamics in the coastal confined aquifers of Venice (Italy)
C Da Lio, L Tosi, G Zambon, A Vianello, G Baldin, G Lorenzetti, G Manfè, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, 248-259, 2013
Estuarine circulation in the Taranto Seas
FD Pascalis, A Petrizzo, M Ghezzo, G Lorenzetti, G Manfè, G Alabiso, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (13), 12515-12534, 2016
Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry
F Braga, A Fabbretto, Q Vanhellemont, M Bresciani, C Giardino, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 192, 99-114, 2022
Quantification of submarine groundwater discharge and optimal radium sampling distribution in the Lesina Lagoon, Italy
J Rapaglia, S Koukoulas, L Zaggia, M Lichter, G Manfé, AT Vafeidis
Journal of Marine Systems 91 (1), 11-19, 2012
Tidal inlets in the Anthropocene: Geomorphology and benthic habitats of the Chioggia inlet, Venice Lagoon (Italy)
S Fogarin, F Madricardo, L Zaggia, M Sigovini, G Montereale‐Gavazzi, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (11), 2297-2315, 2019
Coastal mixing in multiple-mouth deltas: A case study in the Po delta, Italy
D Bellafiore, C Ferrarin, F Braga, L Zaggia, F Maicu, G Lorenzetti, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 226, 106254, 2019
Towards an Integrated Observational System to Investigate Sediment Transport in the Tidal Inlets of the Lagoon of Venice
GM Scarpa, F Braga, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, L Zaggia
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3371, 2022
Sediment oxygen demand rate in a flow regulated lagoon (Venice, Italy)
S Leoni, J Dominik, D Cassin, G Manfè, D Tagliapietra, F Acri, R Zonta
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 1000665, 2022
Effect of Mo. SE Closures on Wind Waves in the Venetian Lagoon: In Situ and Numerical Analyses
C Favaretto, G Manfè, M Volpato, GM Scarpa
Water 14 (16), 2579, 2022
Observational evidence of the basin‐wide gyre reversal in the Gulf of Taranto
I Federico, N Pinardi, V Lyubartsev, F Maicu, S Causio, F Trotta, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (22), e2020GL091030, 2020
Using historical data to examine the accuracy of sand transport field measurements in two nearshore marine settings
CL Amos, H Kassem, I Townend, G Umgiesser, F Madricardo, L Zaggia, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 36 (5), 1013-1028, 2020
Salt wedge intrusion in the Po River delta in the climate changes perspective.
F Maicu, D Bellafiore, C Ferrarin, G Lorenzetti, G Manfe, S Pecora, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
La torbidità e l'idrodinamica nelle aree interessate dai cantieri alle bocche di porto
GM G. Di Silvio, L. Zaggia, C. Dall'Angelo, G. Lorenzetti
Il controllo ambientale della costruzione del MOSE. 10 anni di monitoraggi …, 2017
The seasonal quantification of groundwater flux into the Venice Lagoon, Italy: Mass balance of radium isotopes and hydrodynamic model
C Ferrarin, JP Rapaglia, L Zaggia, G Manfé, G Umgiesser, M Ferla
Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit 39, 24, 2010
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Articles 1–20