Carol R Glass
Carol R Glass
Professor Emerita of Psychology, The Catholic University of America
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Assessing computer anxiety: Development and validation of the computer anxiety rating scale
RK Heinssen Jr, CR Glass, LA Knight
Computers in human behavior 3 (1), 49-59, 1987
Nonresponse and dropout rates in outcome studies on PTSD: Review and methodological considerations
MA Schottenbauer, CR Glass, DB Arnkoff, V Tendick, SH Gray
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and biological processes 71 (2), 134-168, 2008
MJ Constantino, DB Arnkoff, CR Glass, RM Ametrano, JAZ Smith
Journal of clinical psychology 67 (2), 184-192, 2011
Conceptualizing mindfulness and acceptance as components of psychological resilience to trauma
RW Thompson, DB Arnkoff, CR Glass
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 12 (4), 220-235, 2011
Evaluation of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE): A new approach to promote flow in athletes
KA Kaufman, CR Glass, DB Arnkoff
Journal of clinical sport psychology 3 (4), 334-356, 2009
Cognitive assessment of social anxiety: Development and validation of a self-statement questionnaire
CR Glass, TV Merluzzi, JL Biever, KH Larsen
Cognitive Therapy and Research 6, 37-55, 1982
Self-statements and self-evaluations: A cognitive-response analysis of heterosocial anxiety
JT Cacioppo, CR Glass, TV Merluzzi
Cognitive therapy and research 3, 249-262, 1979
One year follow-up of mindful sport performance enhancement (MSPE) with archers, golfers, and runners
RW Thompson, KA Kaufman, LA De Petrillo, CR Glass, DB Arnkoff
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 5 (2), 99-116, 2011
Mindfulness for long-distance runners: An open trial using Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE)
LA De Petrillo, KA Kaufman, CR Glass, DB Arnkoff
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 3 (4), 357-376, 2009
Predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral group therapy for social phobia
DL Chambless, GQ Tran, CR Glass
Journal of anxiety disorders 11 (3), 221-240, 1997
Expectations and preferences
DB Arnkoff, CR Glass, SJ Shapiro, J Norcross
Self-focused attention in the treatment of social phobia
SR Woody, DL Chambless, CR Glass
Behaviour research and therapy 35 (2), 117-129, 1997
Contributions of psychodynamic approaches to treatment of PTSD and trauma: A review of the empirical treatment and psychopathology literature
MA Schottenbauer, CR Glass, DB Arnkoff, SH Gray
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 71 (1), 13-34, 2008
Cognitive assessment
M Genest, CR Glass, TV Merluzzi
Guilford Press, 1980
Questionnaire methods of cognitive self-statement assessment.
CR Glass, DB Arnkoff
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 65 (6), 911, 1997
The neuroscience of mindfulness: How mindfulness alters the brain and facilitates emotion regulation
MS Wheeler, DB Arnkoff, CR Glass
Mindfulness 8, 1471-1487, 2017
Response-acquisition and cognitive self-statement modification approaches to dating-skills training.
CR Glass, JM Gottman, SH Shmurak
Journal of Counseling Psychology 23 (6), 520, 1976
Cognitive factors in computer anxiety
CR Glass, LA Knight
Cognitive therapy and research 12, 351-366, 1988
Expectations and preferences.
CR Glass, DB Arnkoff, SJ Shapiro
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 38 (4), 455, 2001
Client attachment style and the psychotherapist's interpersonal stance.
RT Dolan, DB Arnkoff, CR Glass
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 30 (3), 408, 1993
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Articles 1–20