Diana Riaño Hernández
Cited by
Cited by
Psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II in Colombia
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, S Cárdenas-Sierra, Y Durán, K Guerrero, ...
The Psychological Record 66, 429-437, 2016
Psychometric properties of the cognitive fusion questionnaire in Colombia
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, D Riano-Hernández, D Gillanders
Revista latinoamericana de psicología 49 (1), 80-87, 2017
Effect of a one-session ACT protocol in disrupting repetitive negative thinking: A randomized multiple-baseline design
FJ Ruiz, DR Hernández, JCS Falcón, C Luciano
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 16 (3), 213-233, 2016
A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders
FJ Ruiz, CL Flórez, MB García-Martín, A Monroy-Cifuentes, ...
Journal of contextual behavioral science 9, 1-14, 2018
Conceptualización y evaluación de la impulsividad en adolescentes: una revisión sistemática
D Riaño-Hernández, A Guillen Riquelme, G Buela-Casal
Universitas Psychologica 14 (3), 1077-1090, 2015
Psychometric properties of the mindful attention awareness scale in Colombian undergraduates
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, D Riaño-Hernández
Suma psicológica 23 (1), 18-24, 2016
Burnout escolar en adolescentes españoles: Adaptación y validación del School Burnout Inventory.
N Moyano, D Riaño-Hernández
Ansiedad y estrés 19 (1), 2013
The role of common physical properties and augmental functions in metaphor effect
MAS Martinez, FJ Ruiz, CL Flórez, DR Hernández, MCL Soriano
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 16 (3), 265-279, 2016
Análisis factorial exploratorio del Inventario de Depresión Estado-Rasgo (ST-DEP) en adolescentes
C Merino Soto, D Pflucker Muñoz, D Riaño-Hernández
Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología 8 (2), 319-330, 2012
Validity evidence of the Spanish version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire–8 in Colombia
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, D Riaño-Hernández
The Spanish journal of psychology 20, E12, 2017
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Valuing Questionnaire in Colombia
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, D Riaño Hernández, B Gil
Submitted paper. Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, 2016
Propiedades psicométricas del “School Burnout Inventory” SBI en población colombiana adolescente [Psychometric properties of the" School Burnout Inventory" SBI in teenage …
M Aguilar-Bustamante, D Riaño-Hernandez
34th interamerican congress of psychology, 15-19, 2013
Propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de fusión cognitiva en Colombia
FJ Ruiz, JC Suárez-Falcón, D Riaño-Hernández, D Gillanders
Revista latinoamericana de psicología 49 (1), 80-87, 2017
Conceptualization and Assessment of Impulsivity in Adolescents: Systematic Review
D Riaño-Hernández, A Guillen Riquelme, G Buela-Casal
Universitas Psychologica 14 (3), 1077-1090, 2015
Fiabilidad de la versión informatizada del Test de Figuras Conocidas 20 (MFF-20)
D Riaño-Hernández, A Guillén-Riquelme, MJ Cabrera-Cuevas, CVG Cruz, ...
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología 48 (3), 167-174, 2016
Cross-cultural differences in autistic characteristics: a comparison between Spain and Colombia
AE Martínez-González, T Rodríguez-Jiménez, D Riaño-Hernández, ...
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 71 (1), 105-114, 2025
Reliability of the computerised version of the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF-20)
D Riaño-Hernández, A Guillen-Riquelme, MJ Cabrera-Cuevas, ...
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología 48 (3), 167-174, 2016
Exploratory Factor Analysis of State-Trait Depression Inventory (ST-DEP) in Adolescents
C Merino Soto, D Pflucker Muñoz, D Riaño-Hernández
Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología 8 (2), 319-330, 2012
Validity evidence for assessing social-emotional psychological strengths in Colombian adolescents using the SEHS-S
D Riaño-Hernández, I Leenen, A Ramírez-Conde, PA Atehortua-Rivera, ...
PloS one 20 (2), e0314488, 2025
Cross-cultural differences in gastrointestinal symptoms and sensory response in individuals with autism: A comparison of Spain and Colombia.
T Rodríguez-Jiménez, AE Martínez-González, D Riaño-Hernández
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Articles 1–20