Gunawan Setia Prihandana
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Cited by
Effect of micro-powder suspension and ultrasonic vibration of dielectric fluid in micro-EDM processes—Taguchi approach
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, YS Wong, K Mitsui
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 49 (12-13), 1035-1041, 2009
Accuracy improvement in nanographite powder-suspended dielectric fluid for micro-electrical discharge machining processes
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, YS Wong, K Mitsui
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 56, 143-149, 2011
Effect of low-frequency vibration on workpiece in EDM processes
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, K Mitsui
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 25, 1231-1234, 2011
Application of powder suspended in dielectric fluid for fine finish micro-EDM of Inconel 718
GS Prihandana, T Sriani, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, N Miki, YS Wong, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 75, 599-613, 2014
Study of workpiece vibration in powder-suspended dielectric fluid in micro-EDM processes
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, YS Wong, N Miki, K Mitsui
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 14, 1817-1822, 2013
Water-permeable dialysis membranes for multi-layered microdialysis system
N To, I Sanada, H Ito, GS Prihandana, S Morita, Y Kanno, N Miki
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 3, 70, 2015
IoT-based weather station with air quality measurement using ESP32 for environmental aerial condition study
P Megantoro, SA Aldhama, GS Prihandana, P Vigneshwaran
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 19 (4 …, 2021
Antithrombogenicity of fluorinated diamond-like carbon films coated nano porous polyethersulfone (PES) membrane
GS Prihandana, I Sanada, H Ito, M Noborisaka, Y Kanno, T Suzuki, N Miki
Materials 6 (10), 4309-4323, 2013
The parameters evaluation and optimization of polycrystalline diamond micro-electrodischarge machining assisted by electrode tool vibration
M Mahardika, GS Prihandana, T Endo, T Tsujimoto, N Matsumoto, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 60, 985-993, 2012
Fabrication of polymer microneedle electrodes coated with nanoporous parylene
Y Nishinaka, R Jun, GS Prihandana, N Miki
Japanese journal of applied physics 52 (6S), 06GL10, 2013
Improvement of machining time in micro-EDM with workpiece vibration and graphite powder mixed in dielectric fluid
GS Prihandana, T Sriani, M Mahardika
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2012
Micromachining in powder-mixed micro electrical discharge machining
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, T Sriani
Applied Sciences 10 (11), 3795, 2020
Study effect of nAg particle size on the properties and antibacterial characteristics of polysulfone membranes
GS Prihandana, T Sriani, AD Muthi’ah, A Machmudah, M Mahardika, ...
Nanomaterials 12 (3), 388, 2022
Effect of vibrated electrode in electrical discharge machining
PG Setia
Proceedings of the First International Conference and Seventh AUN/SEED-Net …, 2006
The current methods for improving electrical discharge machining processes
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, M Hamdi, K Mitsui
Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 2 (1), 61-68, 2009
Permeability and blood compatibility of nanoporous parylene film‐coated polyethersulfone membrane under long‐term blood diffusion
G Setia Prihandana, H Ito, I Sanada, Y Nishinaka, Y Kanno, N Miki
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131 (6), 2014
Polyethersulfone membrane coated with nanoporous Parylene for ultrafiltration
GS Prihandana, H Ito, Y Nishinaka, Y Kanno, N Miki
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 21 (6), 1288-1290, 2012
Electropolishing of microchannels and its application to dialysis system
GS Prihandana, M Mahardika, Y Nishinaka, H Ito, Y Kanno, N Miki
Procedia CIRP 5, 164-168, 2013
Precision machining by discharge pulse counting methods in micro EDM processes
M Mahardika, GS Prihandana, K Mitsui
Journal of mechanical science and technology 26, 3597-3603, 2012
Electropolishing parametric optimization of surface quality for the fabrication of a titanium microchannel using the Taguchi method
M Mahardika, MA Setyawan, T Sriani, N Miki, GS Prihandana
Machines 9 (12), 325, 2021
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Articles 1–20