Lluís Coromina
Cited by
Cited by
Overtourism: residents’ perceptions of tourism impact as an indicator of resident social carrying capacity-case study of a Spanish heritage town
VM Gonzalez, L Coromina, N Galí
Tourism review 73 (3), 277-296, 2018
Content analysis in tourism research
R Camprubí, L Coromina
Tourism Management Perspectives 18, 134-140, 2016
Measurement of social participation and its place in social capital theory
L Guillen, L Coromina, WE Saris
Social Indicators Research 100, 331-350, 2011
Reliability and validity of egocentered network data collected via web: A meta-analysis of multilevel multitrait multimethod studies
L Coromina, G Coenders
Social networks 28 (3), 209-231, 2006
Analysis of tourism information sources using a Mokken Scale perspective
L Coromina, R Camprubí
Tourism management 56, 75-84, 2016
Is implementing multiple management system standards a hindrance to innovation?
SM Castillo-Rojas, M Casadesús, S Karapetrovic, L Coromina, I Heras, ...
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 23 (9-10), 1075-1088, 2012
The perceived value of accessibility in religious sites–do disabled and non-disabled travellers behave differently?
A Gassiot Melian, L Prats, L Coromina
Tourism Review 71 (2), 105-117, 2016
COVID-19 and orientations towards solidarity: the cases of Spain, Hungary, and Romania
B Voicu, E Bartolome Peral, H Rusu, G Rosta, M Comşa, OM Vasile, ...
European Societies 23 (sup1), S887-S904, 2021
An analysis of first-time and repeat-visitor destination images through the prism of the three-factor theory of consumer satisfaction
P Schofield, L Coromina, R Camprubi, S Kim
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 17, 100463, 2020
A New Fiji-Based Algorithm That Systematically Quantifies Nine Synaptic Parameters Provides Insights into Drosophila NMJ Morphometry
B Nijhof, A Castells-Nobau, L Wolf, JM Scheffer-de Gooyert, I Monedero, ...
PLoS computational biology 12 (3), e1004823, 2016
Tourism constraints for Spanish tourists with disabilities: Scale development and validation
A Gassiot, L Prats, L Coromina
Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 64 (1), 49-71, 2018
Duocentered networks
L Coromina, J Guia, G Coenders, A Ferligoj
Social networks 30 (1), 49-59, 2008
La influencia de las fuentes de información en la formación de la imagen turística
R Camprubí, L Coromina
PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural 14 (4), 781-796, 2016
Evaluating measurement invariance for social and political trust in Western Europe over four measurement time points (2002–2008)
L Coromina, E Davidov
Research & Methods 22 (1), 35-52, 2013
Constraints of solo female backpackers in Southeast Asia
M Brugulat, L Coromina
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 26 (6), 640-653, 2021
Quality of Media Use Measurement.
L Coromina, WE Saris
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 21 (44), 424-450, 0
Social networks and performance in knowledge creation. An application and a methodological proposal
L Coromina Soler
Universitat de Girona, 2006
The need to adapt to travel expenditure patterns. A study comparing business and leisure tourists in Barcelona
J Moll-de-Alba, L Prats, L Coromina
Eurasian Business Review 6, 253-267, 2016
El rol del turista como emisor y perceptor de imagen turística en Instagram
LM Hernández, R Camprubí, L Coromina
Gran tour, revista de investigaciones turísticas, 2018
Comparing Alignment and Multiple Group CFA for Analysing Political Trust in Europe During the Crisis
L Coromina Soler, E Bartolomé Peral
Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and …, 2020
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Articles 1–20