Matthieu Faessel
Matthieu Faessel
Centre de Morphologie Mathématique
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3D Modelling of random cellulosic fibrous networks based on X-ray tomography and image analysis
M Faessel, C Delisee, F Bos, P Castéra
Composites science and technology 65 (13), 1931-1940, 2005
V Machairas, M Faessel, D Cárdenas-Peña, T Chabardes, T Walter, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (11), 3707-3716, 2015
Morphological segmentation of FIB‐SEM data of highly porous media
T Prill, K Schladitz, D Jeulin, M Faessel, C Wieser
Journal of microscopy 250 (2), 77-87, 2013
Assessing breakage and cracks of parboiled rice kernels by image analysis techniques
F Courtois, M Faessel, C Bonazzi
Food control 21 (4), 567-572, 2010
Direct 3D-printing of phosphate glass by fused deposition modeling
RM Zaki, C Strutynski, S Kaser, D Bernard, G Hauss, M Faessel, ...
Materials & Design 194, 108957, 2020
Investigation of fragments size resulting from dynamic fragmentation in melted state of laser shock-loaded tin
L Signor, T de Rességuier, A Dragon, G Roy, A Fanget, M Faessel
International Journal of Impact Engineering 37 (8), 887-900, 2010
Segmentation of 3D microtomographic images of granular materials with the stochastic watershed
M Faessel, D Jeulin
Journal of microscopy 239 (1), 17-31, 2010
Touching grain kernels separation by gap-filling
M Faessel, F Courtois
Image Analysis & Stereology 28, 195-203, 2009
3D reconstruction of a multiscale microstructure by anisotropic tessellation models
H Altendorf, F Latourte, D Jeulin, M Faessel, L Saintoyant
Image Analysis and Stereology 33 (2), 121-130, 2014
Electrical conductivity of metal–polymer cold spray composite coatings onto carbon fiber-reinforced polymer
V Bortolussi, B Figliuzzi, F Willot, M Faessel, M Jeandin
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29, 642-656, 2020
Modelling mesoporous alumina microstructure with 3D random models of platelets
H Wang, A Pietrasanta, D Jeulin, F Willot, M Faessel, L Sorbier, ...
Journal of microscopy 260 (3), 287-301, 2015
Modelling the microstructure and the viscoelastic behaviour of carbon black filled rubber materials from 3D simulations
B Figliuzzi, D Jeulin, M Faessel, F Willot, M Koishi, N Kowatari
Technische Mechanik 32 (1-2), 22-46, 2016
A morphological approach to the modeling of the cold spray process
F Delloro, M Jeandin, D Jeulin, H Proudhon, M Faessel, L Bianchi, ...
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26, 1838-1850, 2017
Advanced characterization unravels the structure and reactivity of wood-based chars
S Berhanu, M Hervy, E Weiss-Hortala, H Proudhon, MH Berger, ...
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 130, 79-89, 2018
Cold spray of metal-polymer composite coatings onto carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP)
V Bortolussi, F Borit, A Chesnaud, M Jeandin, M Faessel, B Figliuzzi, ...
International Thermal Spray Conference 83768, 437-443, 2016
SMIL: Simple morphological image library
M Faessel, M Bilodeau
Séminaire Performance et Généricité, LRDE, 2014
Morphological modeling of cold spray coatings
V Bortolussi, B Figliuzzi, F Willot, M Faessel, M Jeandin
Image Analysis & Stereology 37 (2), 145-158, 2018
Morphological co-processing unit for embedded devices
J Bartovský, P Dokládal, M Faessel, E Dokladalova, M Bilodeau
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 15, 775-786, 2018
Effective properties of architectured materials
J Dirrenberger, S Forest, D Jeulin, C Colin, JD Bartout, M Faessel, F Willot
1st International School on Architectured Materials, 2011
Computational material design of filled rubbers using multi-objective design exploration
M Koishi, N Kowatari, B Figliuzzi, M Faessel, F Willot, D Jeulin
Constitutive Models for Rubber X, 467-473, 2017
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Articles 1–20