Omar Knio
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Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification, Scientific Computation Series Vol. 19
OP Le Maître, OM Knio
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011
Numerical challenges in the use of polynomial chaos representations for stochastic processes
BJ Debusschere, HN Najm, PP Pébay, OM Knio, RG Ghanem, ...
SIAM journal on scientific computing 26 (2), 698-719, 2004
Uncertainty propagation using Wiener–Haar expansions
OP Le Maıtre, OM Knio, HN Najm, RG Ghanem
Journal of computational Physics 197 (1), 28-57, 2004
A stochastic projection method for fluid flow: I. basic formulation
OM Knio, HN Najm, RG Ghanem
Journal of computational Physics 173 (2), 481-511, 2001
A stochastic projection method for fluid flow: II. Random process
OP Le Maıtre, MT Reagan, HN Najm, RG Ghanem, OM Knio
Journal of computational Physics 181 (1), 9-44, 2002
Multi-resolution analysis of Wiener-type uncertainty propagation schemes
OP Le Maıtre, HN Najm, RG Ghanem, OM Knio
Journal of Computational Physics 197 (2), 502-531, 2004
Uncertainty quantification in reacting-flow simulations through non-intrusive spectral projection
MT Reagana, HN Najm, RG Ghanem, OM Knio
Combustion and flame 132 (3), 545-555, 2003
Uncertainty propagation in CFD using polynomial chaos decomposition
OM Knio, OP Le Maitre
Fluid dynamics research 38 (9), 616, 2006
A semi-implicit numerical scheme for reacting flow: I. Stiff chemistry
HN Najm, PS Wyckoff, OM Knio
Journal of Computational Physics 143 (2), 381-402, 1998
Joining of stainless-steel specimens with nanostructured Al/Ni foils
J Wang, E Besnoin, A Duckham, SJ Spey, ME Reiss, OM Knio, TP Weihs
Journal of applied physics 95 (1), 248-256, 2004
Room-temperature soldering with nanostructured foils
J Wang, E Besnoin, A Duckham, SJ Spey, ME Reiss, OM Knio, M Powers, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (19), 3987-3989, 2003
Reactive nanostructured foil used as a heat source for joining titanium
A Duckham, SJ Spey, J Wang, ME Reiss, TP Weihs, E Besnoin, OM Knio
Journal of applied physics 96 (4), 2336-2342, 2004
SPH modelling of water waves
RA Dalrymple, O Knio
Coastal dynamics' 01, 779-787, 2001
A semi-implicit numerical scheme for reacting flow: II. Stiff, operator-split formulation
OM Knio, HN Najm, PS Wyckoff
Journal of Computational Physics 154 (2), 428-467, 1999
Effect of varying bilayer spacing distribution on reaction heat and velocity in reactive Al/Ni multilayers
R Knepper, MR Snyder, G Fritz, K Fisher, OM Knio, TP Weihs
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (8), 2009
Numerical study of a three-dimensional vortex method
OM Knio, AF Ghoniem
Journal of Computational Physics 86 (1), 75-106, 1990
Effect of reactant and product melting on self-propagating reactions in multilayer foils
E Besnoin, S Cerutti, OM Knio, TP Weihs
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (9), 5474-5481, 2002
Investigating the effect of applied pressure on reactive multilayer foil joining
J Wang, E Besnoin, OM Knio, TP Weihs
Acta Materialia 52 (18), 5265-5274, 2004
A review of hydrogen production and supply chain modeling and optimization
JA Riera, RM Lima, OM Knio
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (37), 13731-13755, 2023
A study of flame observables in premixed methane-air flames
HN Najm, OM Knio, PH Paul, PS Wyckoff
Combustion Science and Technology 140 (1-6), 369-403, 1998
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Articles 1–20