Sarah B. Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Seeding Cybersecurity Workforce Pathways with Secondary Education
JC Jessica Ivy, Sarah Lee, Dana Franz
Computer Magazine, 2019
Mending the gap, growing the pipeline: Increasing female representation in computing
SB Lee, S Kastner, R Walker
ASEE SE Annual Conference, 2015
Exploring pathways to developing self-efficacy in new computer science teachers
J Ivy, D Franz
2017 ASEE Zone 2 Conference Proceedings, 2017
Bulldog bytes: Engaging elementary girls with computer science and cybersecurity
L Lineberry, S Lee, J Ivy, H Bostick
ASEE SE Section Annual Conference, 2018
Engaging middle school girls in computing with a project-based summer experience
SB Lee, R Walker
ASEE Southeast Annual Conference, 2014
Knowledge management in global software development
SG Shiva, SB Lee, LA Shala, CB Simmons
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 5 (1), 6-6, 2009
Providing Equitable Access to Computing Education in Mississippi.
AS Sarah Lee, Jessica Ivy
4th international conference on Research in Equity and Sustained …, 2019
Impact on retention from a change in undergraduate computing curricula
DS Reese, TJ Jankun-Kelly, L Henderson, S Lee
2013 ASEE Southeast Section Conference, 2013
A novel approach to knowledge sharing in software systems engineering
SB Lee, SG Shiva
2009 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering …, 2009
Illuminating the Computing Pathway for Girls in Mississippi
JI Vemitra White, Sarah Lee, Litany Lineberry, Danielle Grimes
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018
An approach to overcoming knowledge sharing challenges in a corporate IT environment
SB Lee, SG Shiva
2010 5th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 342-346, 2010
Why Inclusion Programs are Beneficial to Students with Disabilities and How Universities can Help: Perspectives of Students with Disabilities
MM Das, SB Lee, LH Lineberry, CA Barr
2018 CoNECD-The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing …, 2018
Broadening participation in computing through curricular changes
DS Reese, S Lee, T Jankun-Kelly, L Henderson
ASEE southeast section conference, 2014
Comparing Agent Software Development Methodologies Using the Waterfall Model
SB Lee, S Shiva
AMCIS 2005 Proceedings, 285, 2005
Mississippi Coding Academies: A non-traditional approach to computing education
RL Sarah Lee, Richard Sun
126th Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering …, 2019
E-Mentoring and Informal Learning to Increase Student Awareness of Engineering
SB Lee, C Yu, K and Brown
8th Annual mentoring Conference Proceedings: A Quest for Leadership …, 2015
Engineering agent-based software systems
SG Shiva, L Sherrell, S Lee, A Olney
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 20 (6), 28-28, 2005
Comparing Agent Software Development Methodologies using the CMMI Engineering Process Model
SB Lee, S Shiva
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Articles 1–18