Vamsi Mootha
Vamsi Mootha
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, HHMI
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Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles
A Subramanian, P Tamayo, VK Mootha, S Mukherjee, BL Ebert, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (43), 15545-15550, 2005
PGC-1α-responsive genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation are coordinately downregulated in human diabetes
VK Mootha, CM Lindgren, KF Eriksson, A Subramanian, S Sihag, J Lehar, ...
Nature genetics 34 (3), 267-273, 2003
Mechanisms controlling mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration through the thermogenic coactivator PGC-1
Z Wu, P Puigserver, U Andersson, C Zhang, G Adelmant, V Mootha, ...
Cell 98 (1), 115-124, 1999
Metabolite profiles and the risk of developing diabetes
TJ Wang, MG Larson, RS Vasan, S Cheng, EP Rhee, E McCabe, ...
Nature medicine 17 (4), 448-453, 2011
Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in human promoters and 3′ UTRs by comparison of several mammals
X Xie, J Lu, EJ Kulbokas, TR Golub, V Mootha, K Lindblad-Toh, ...
Nature 434 (7031), 338-345, 2005
A mitochondrial protein compendium elucidates complex I disease biology
DJ Pagliarini, SE Calvo, B Chang, SA Sheth, SB Vafai, SE Ong, ...
Cell 134 (1), 112-123, 2008
Integrative genomics identifies MCU as an essential component of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter
JM Baughman, F Perocchi, HS Girgis, M Plovanich, CA Belcher-Timme, ...
Nature 476 (7360), 341-345, 2011
mTOR controls mitochondrial oxidative function through a YY1–PGC-1α transcriptional complex
JT Cunningham, JT Rodgers, DH Arlow, F Vazquez, VK Mootha, ...
nature 450 (7170), 736-740, 2007
tBID, a membrane-targeted death ligand, oligomerizes BAK to release cytochrome c
MC Wei, T Lindsten, VK Mootha, S Weiler, A Gross, M Ashiya, ...
Genes & development 14 (16), 2060-2071, 2000
Metabolite profiling identifies a key role for glycine in rapid cancer cell proliferation
M Jain, R Nilsson, S Sharma, N Madhusudhan, T Kitami, AL Souza, ...
Science 336 (6084), 1040-1044, 2012
Defects in adaptive energy metabolism with CNS-linked hyperactivity in PGC-1α null mice
J Lin, PH Wu, PT Tarr, KS Lindenberg, J St-Pierre, C Zhang, VK Mootha, ...
Cell 119 (1), 121-135, 2004
MitoCarta2. 0: an updated inventory of mammalian mitochondrial proteins
SE Calvo, KR Clauser, VK Mootha
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D1251-D1257, 2016
Proteomic mapping of mitochondria in living cells via spatially restricted enzymatic tagging
HW Rhee, P Zou, ND Udeshi, JD Martell, VK Mootha, SA Carr, AY Ting
Science 339 (6125), 1328-1331, 2013
Directed evolution of APEX2 for electron microscopy and proximity labeling
SS Lam, JD Martell, KJ Kamer, TJ Deerinck, MH Ellisman, VK Mootha, ...
Nature methods 12 (1), 51-54, 2015
MitoCarta3. 0: an updated mitochondrial proteome now with sub-organelle localization and pathway annotations
S Rath, R Sharma, R Gupta, T Ast, C Chan, TJ Durham, RP Goodman, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D1541-D1547, 2021
Integrated analysis of protein composition, tissue diversity, and gene regulation in mouse mitochondria
VK Mootha, J Bunkenborg, JV Olsen, M Hjerrild, JR Wisniewski, E Stahl, ...
Cell 115 (5), 629-640, 2003
Upstream open reading frames cause widespread reduction of protein expression and are polymorphic among humans
SE Calvo, DJ Pagliarini, VK Mootha
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (18), 7507-7512, 2009
MICU1 encodes a mitochondrial EF hand protein required for Ca2+ uptake
F Perocchi, VM Gohil, HS Girgis, XR Bao, JE McCombs, AE Palmer, ...
Nature 467 (7313), 291-296, 2010
Cytokine stimulation of energy expenditure through p38 MAP kinase activation of PPARγ coactivator-1
P Puigserver, J Rhee, J Lin, Z Wu, JC Yoon, CY Zhang, S Krauss, ...
Molecular cell 8 (5), 971-982, 2001
How many human proteoforms are there?
R Aebersold, JN Agar, IJ Amster, MS Baker, CR Bertozzi, ES Boja, ...
Nature chemical biology 14 (3), 206-214, 2018
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Articles 1–20