Rachman Djamaluddin
Rachman Djamaluddin
Hasanuddin University
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Evaluation of sustainable concrete paving blocks incorporating processed waste tea ash
AR Djamaluddin, MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, AT Lando, R Irmawaty
Case Studies in Construction Materials 12, e00325, 2020
Prediction of long-term volumetric parameters of asphalt concrete binder course mixture using artificial ageing test
M Tumpu, MW Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012058, 2020
Effect of limestone and buton granular asphalt (BGA) on density of asphalt concrete wearing course (AC-WC) mixture
M Tumpu, MW Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin, AA Amiruddin, L One
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012029, 2020
Abrasion resistance and compressive strength of unprocessed rice husk ash concrete
AR Djamaluddin, MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, IR Rahim, NM Noor
Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 19, 867-876, 2018
Bioremediation of coal contaminated soil as the road foundations layer
AM Indriani, T Harianto, AR Djamaluddin, A Arsyad
GEOMATE Journal 21 (84), 76-84, 2021
Fired clay bricks incorporating palm oil fuel ash as a sustainable building material: An industrial-scale experiment
AR Djamaluddin, MA Caronge, MW Tjaronge, R Irmawaty
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 14 (4), 852-864, 2021
Analytical and experimental investigation of recycled aggregate concrete beams subjected to pure torsion
N Masne, S Suryawanshi
International Journal of Engineering 35 (10), 1959-1966, 2022
Influence of tensile load on bonding strength of asphalt concrete containing modified buton asphalt and polyethylene terephthalate waste: A case study of indonesian roads
M Pasra, MW Tjaronge, MA Caronge, AR Djamaluddin, FEP Lapian, ...
International Journal of Engineering 35 (9), 1779-1786, 2022
Effect of hydrated lime on compressive strength mortar of fly ash laterite soil geopolymer mortar
FA Wangsa, MW Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin, AB Muhiddin
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 271 (1), 012068, 2017
Mechanical characteristics of self compacting concrete using laterite stone as coarse aggregate
A Marewangeng, MW Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin, SH Aly
GEOMATE Journal 19 (71), 250-255, 2020
Sosialisasi Aplikasi Teknologi Building Information Modelling (BIM) pada Sektor Konstruksi Indonesia
H Parung, MW Tjaronge, R Djamaluddin, R Irmawaty, AA Amiruddin, ...
Jurnal Tepat: Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat 2 (2), 112-119, 2019
Studi Salinitas Air Tanah Dangkal di Daerah Pesisir Bagian Utara Kota Makassar
AD Damayanti, D Rahman, A Ardy
Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik …, 2015
Characteristics study of over boulder asbuton as pozzolanic material for soft soil stabilization
N Dhani, L Samang, T Harianto, AR Djamaluddin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 419 (1), 012043, 2020
Study on Bio-cementation of Ex-coal Mining Soil as a Road Construction Material
AM Indriani, T Harianto, AR Djamaluddin, A Arsyad
Advances in Sustainable Construction and Resource Management, 193-201, 2021
Preloading model on soft soil with inclusion thermal induction vertical and incline types
M Panjaitan, AR Djamaluddin, T Harianto, AB Muhiddin
Civ. Eng. J 7 (6), 998-1007, 2021
Strength and toughness characteristics of AC-WC mixture containing PET and PP plastic waste under static compression
AR Djamaluddin, M Pasra, A Arsyad
GEOMATE Journal 20 (78), 20-27, 2021
Prediction of long-term volumetric parameters of asphalt concrete binder course mixture using artificial aging test. IOP Conf
MWM Tjaronge, AR Djamaluddin
Ser. Earth Environ. Sci 419, 012058, 2020
Experimental study on bearing capacity of laterite soil stabilization using zeolite activated by waterglass and geogrid reinforcement as base layer
MM Tangkeallo, L Samang, AB Muhiddin, AR Djamaluddin
J Eng Appl Sci 15, 1496-1501, 2020
Experimental study of pullout capacity of stard plate anchor
AR Djamaluddin, A Arsyad, MI Maricar, I Oemar, L Samang, MI Burhan
Hasanuddin University Press, 2013
Experimental study on CBR value of overboulder asbuton stabilized by cement
N Dhani, L Samang, T Harianto, AR Djamaluddin
International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research 9 (2 …, 2020
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