Daniel Gunter
Daniel Gunter
Computer Scientist, LBNL
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Cited by
FireWorks: a dynamic workflow system designed for high‐throughput applications
A Jain, SP Ong, W Chen, B Medasani, X Qu, M Kocher, M Brafman, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (17), 5037-5059, 2015
Performance evaluation of a mongodb and hadoop platform for scientific data analysis
E Dede, M Govindaraju, D Gunter, RS Canon, L Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Scientific cloud computing, 13-20, 2013
Finding our way in the dark proteome
A Bhowmick, DH Brookes, SR Yost, HJ Dyson, JD Forman-Kay, D Gunter, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (31), 9730-9742, 2016
Reconfigurable hybrid interconnection for static and dynamic scientific applications
S Kamil, A Pinar, D Gunter, M Lijewski, L Oliker, J Shalf
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computing frontiers, 183-194, 2007
Experiences with user-centered design for the Tigres workflow API
L Ramakrishnan, S Poon, V Hendrix, D Gunter, GZ Pastorello, D Agarwal
2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on e-Science 1, 290-297, 2014
Online fault and anomaly detection for large-scale scientific workflows
T Samak, D Gunter, M Goode, E Deelman, G Juve, G Mehta, F Silva, ...
2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2011
Marissa: Mapreduce implementation for streaming science applications
E Dede, Z Fadika, J Hartog, M Govindaraju, L Ramakrishnan, D Gunter, ...
2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science, 1-8, 2012
The materials project
SP Ong, A Jain, G Hautier, M Kocher, S Cholia, D Gunter, D Bailey, ...
A general approach to real-time workflow monitoring
K Vahi, I Harvey, T Samak, D Gunter, K Evans, D Rogers, I Taylor, ...
2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and …, 2012
Scalable analysis of network measurements with Hadoop and Pig
T Samak, D Gunter, V Hendrix
2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1254-1259, 2012
A case study into using common real-time workflow monitoring infrastructure for scientific workflows
K Vahi, I Harvey, T Samak, D Gunter, K Evans, D Rogers, I Taylor, ...
Journal of grid computing 11, 381-406, 2013
Riding the elephant: managing ensembles with hadoop
E Dede, M Govindaraju, D Gunter, L Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international workshop on Many task computing on …, 2011
Beyond price taker: Conceptual design and optimization of integrated energy systems using machine learning market surrogates
J Jalving, J Ghouse, N Cortes, X Gao, B Knueven, D Agi, S Martin, X Chen, ...
Applied Energy 351, 121767, 2023
Concurrency Computat
A Jain, SP Ong, W Chen, B Medasani, X Qu, M Kocher, M Brafman, ...
Pract. Exper 27, 5037-5059, 2015
Ten principles for creating usable software for science
L Ramakrishnan, D Gunter
2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 210-218, 2017
Essential grid workflow monitoring elements
DK Gunter, KR Jackson, DE Konerding, JR Lee, BL Tierney
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States), 2005
Flowzilla: A methodology for detecting data transfer anomalies in research networks
A Giannakou, D Gunter, S Peisert
2018 IEEE/ACM Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS), 1-9, 2018
The Materials Project (2011)
SP Ong, A Jain, G Hautier, M Kocher, S Cholia, D Gunter, D Bailey, ...
MJD Powell. The BOBYQA algorithm for bound constrained optimization without …, 2009
Semi-structured data analysis using mongodb and mapreduce: A performance evaluation
E Dede, M Govindaraju, D Gunter, R Canon, L Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Scientific cloud computing, 2013
Scalable analysis of distributed workflow traces
DK Gunter, BL Tierney, SJ Bailey
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Articles 1–20