Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Benin
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Cited by
Pressure-impulse diagrams for blast loaded continuous beams based on dimensional analysis
AS Fallah, E Nwankwo, LA Louca
Journal of Applied Mechanics 80 (5), 051011, 2013
Effect of crude oil contamination on the compressive strength of concrete
SO Osuji, E Nwankwo
Nigerian Journal of Technology 34 (2), 259-265, 2015
Inelastic deformation and failure of partially strengthened profiled blast walls
E Nwankwo, AS Fallah, GS Langdon, LA Louca
Engineering structures 46, 671-686, 2013
Analysing the impact of oil and gas local content laws on engineering development and the GDP of Nigeria
E Nwankwo, S Iyeke
Energy Policy 163, 112836, 2022
Marine water effect on compressive strength of concrete: A case study of Escravos Area of Nigerian delta
SO Osuji, E Nwankwo
Nigerian Journal of Technology 34 (2), 240-244, 2015
Investigation into the physical and mechanical properties of structural wood commonly used in Nigeria: a case study of Benin City
SO Osuji, E Nwankwo
Journal of Civil Engineering Research 7 (5), 131-136, 2017
An investigation of interfacial stresses in adhesively-bonded single lap joints subject to transverse pulse loading
E Nwankwo, AS Fallah, LA Louca
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (7), 1843-1858, 2013
Taguchi analysis of the tensile behaviour of unaged and hygrothermally aged asymmetric helicoidally stacked CFRP composites
CN Nwambu, GI Chibueze, EN Nwankwo, CM Ekwedigwe
Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences 9 (2), 068-072, 2023
Dynamic behaviour of blast loaded hybrid structural systems
E Nwankwo
Imperial College London, 2014
Structural performance of externally strengthened rectangular reinforced concrete beams by glued steel plate
AT John, E Nwankwo, ST Orumu, SO Osuji
European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research 4 (9), 101-106, 2019
Numerical simulation of the dynamic response in pulse-loaded fibre–metal-laminated plates
E Nwankwo, AS Fallah, M Moatamedi, LA Louca
International Journal of Protective Structures 7 (4), 469-494, 2016
Finite Element Analysis of Induced Stresses on Injection Wells using Plane Stress and Strain Elements
UB Ikponmwosa, E Nwankwo, KO Bello, AO Olafuyi
SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, SPE-178365-MS, 2015
Optimization of the Tensile Behavior of Natural Fibre Reinforced composite for Hockey Stick application with Taguchi method
EN Nwankwo, CN Nwambu, DE Onyedikachukwu, SMO Obiorah
Journal of Inventive Engineering and Technology (JIET) 4 (2), 1-10, 2023
Effect of air-drying of Brachystegia laurentii wood on some of its mechanical properties
E Nwankwo, NK Ojo
NIPES-Journal of Science and Technology Research 3 (2), 2021
Evaluation of the Stability and Flow of Asphalt Concrete Produced with Waste Brick Tile Powder as a Filler
JA TrustGod, E Nwankwo
Journal of Engineering 29 (12), 1-13, 2023
Dynamic response of blast loaded Hollow Cylindrical and Truncated Conical shells
N Mehreganian, Y Safa, G Boiger, E Nwankwo, A Soleiman Fallah
U-Wrapped Configuration Variation on Shear Strengthening of RC Beam by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Fabric
JA TrustGod, OS Obinna, N Ebuka
Advances in Engineering Design Technology 4 (3), 2022
Characterized Indices of Bond Thickness Variation on RC Beams Strengthened Externally by Bonded Carbon FRP
JA TrustGod, OS Obinna, N Ebuka
NIPES-Journal of Science and Technology Research 4 (4), 2022
Capacity Evaluation Along Benin-Lagos Expressway by Traffic Flow and Time Headway Approach
KN Oghoyafedo, BT Enunwa, E Nwankwo
NIPES-Journal of Science and Technology Research 4 (1), 2022
Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Estimate Unsoaked California Bearing Ratio in Ekiti Central Senatorial District
A Joshua Tunbosun, J Odeh Ehiorobo, O Sylvester Obinna, E Nwankwo
CJAST, 2021
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Articles 1–20