Alvaro Sebastian
Alvaro Sebastian
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amplisas: a web server for multilocus genotyping using next‐generation amplicon sequencing data
A Sebastian, M Herdegen, M Migalska, J Radwan
Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (2), 498-510, 2016
OsRMC, a negative regulator of salt stress response in rice, is regulated by two AP2/ERF transcription factors
TS Serra, DD Figueiredo, AM Cordeiro, DM Almeida, T Lourenço, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 82, 439-455, 2013
footprintDB: a database of transcription factors with annotated cis elements and binding interfaces
A Sebastian, B Contreras-Moreira
Bioinformatics 2 (30), 258-65, 2014
Major histocompatibility complex class I diversity limits the repertoire of T cell receptors
M Migalska, A Sebastian, J Radwan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (11), 5021-5026, 2019
Analysis of the DNA-binding activities of the Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB transcription factor family by one-hybrid experiments in yeast
Z Kelemen, A Sebastian, W Xu, D Grain, F Salsac, A Avon, N Berger, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141044, 2015
Extreme MHC class I diversity in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus); selection patterns and allelic divergence suggest that different genes have …
A Biedrzycka, E O’Connor, A Sebastian, M Migalska, J Radwan, T Zając, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-12, 2017
Testing genotyping strategies for ultra‐deep sequencing of a co‐amplifying gene family: MHC class I in a passerine bird
A Biedrzycka, A Sebastian, M Migalska, H Westerdahl, J Radwan
Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (4), 642-655, 2017
Blood parasites shape extreme major histocompatibility complex diversity in a migratory passerine
A Biedrzycka, W Bielański, A Ćmiel, W Solarz, T Zając, M Migalska, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (11), 2594-2603, 2018
Granzyme B of cytotoxic T cells induces extramitochondrial reactive oxygen species production via caspase‐dependent NADPH oxidase activation
JI Aguiló, A Anel, E Catalán, A Sebastián, R Acín‐Pérez, J Naval, ...
Immunology and cell biology 88 (5), 545-554, 2010
Profiling of the TCRβ repertoire in non-model species using high-throughput sequencing
M Migalska, A Sebastian, J Radwan
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11613, 2018
Integrating bioinformatic resources to predict transcription factors interacting with cis-sequences conserved in co-regulated genes
C Dubos, Z Kelemen, A Sebastian, L Bülow, G Huep, W Xu, D Grain, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-17, 2014
FootprintDB: Analysis of Plant Cis-Regulatory Elements, Transcription Factors, and Binding Interfaces
B Contreras-Moreira, A Sebastian
Plant Synthetic Promoters: Methods and Protocols, 259-277, 2016
De novo transcriptome assembly facilitates characterisation of fast-evolving gene families, MHC class I in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)
M Migalska, A Sebastian, M Konczal, P Kotlík, J Radwan
Heredity 118 (4), 348-357, 2017
The twilight zone of cis element alignments
A Sebastian, B Contreras-Moreira
Nucleic acids research 41 (3), 1438-1449, 2013
AmpliSAS and AmpliHLA: web server tools for MHC typing of non-model species and human using NGS data
A Sebastian, M Migalska, A Biedrzycka
HLA Typing: Methods and Protocols, 249-273, 2018
Botensilimab, an Fc-Enhanced Anti–CTLA-4 Antibody, Is Effective against Tumors Poorly Responsive to Conventional Immunotherapy
D Chand, DA Savitsky, S Krishnan, G Mednick, C Delepine, ...
Cancer discovery 14 (12), 2407-2429, 2024
Molecular mechanism of phosphopeptide neoantigen immunogenicity
Y Patskovsky, A Natarajan, L Patskovska, S Nyovanie, B Joshi, B Morin, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3763, 2023
AmpliSAS and AmpliHLA: web server and local tools for MHC typing of non-model species and human using NGS data
A Sebastian, M Migalska, T Gaczorek
HLA Typing: Methods and Protocols, 37-66, 2024
Comprehensive profiling of TCRβ repertoire in a non-model species (the bank vole) using high-throughput sequencing
M Migalska, A Sebastian, J Radwan
bioRxiv, 217653, 2017
RSAT mirror for plants integrated with DB of transcription factors of known DNA motifs
B Contreras-Moreira, Á Sebastián Yagüe, J van Helden
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Articles 1–20