Stefan Elfwing
Stefan Elfwing
Senior AI Research Scientist, Inify Laboratories
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Sigmoid-weighted linear units for neural network function approximation in reinforcement learning
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Neural networks 107, 3-11, 2018
Modular deep reinforcement learning from reward and punishment for robot navigation
J Wang, S Elfwing, E Uchibe
Neural Networks 135, 115-126, 2021
Biologically inspired embodied evolution of survival
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya, HI Christensen
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 3, 2210-2216, 2005
Predictive uncertainty estimation for out-of-distribution detection in digital pathology
J Linmans, S Elfwing, J van der Laak, G Litjens
Medical Image Analysis 83, 102655, 2023
Evolutionary development of hierarchical learning structures
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya, HI Christensen
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 11 (2), 249-264, 2007
Expected energy-based restricted Boltzmann machine for classification
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Neural networks 64, 29-38, 2015
Darwinian embodied evolution of the learning ability for survival
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya, HI Christensen
Adaptive Behavior 19 (2), 101-120, 2011
Co-evolution of shaping rewards and meta-parameters in reinforcement learning
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya, HI Christensen
Adaptive Behavior 16 (6), 400-412, 2008
Parallel reward and punishment control in humans and robots: Safe reinforcement learning using the MaxPain algorithm
S Elfwing, B Seymour
2017 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and …, 2017
Multi-agent reinforcement learning: Using macro actions to learn a mating task
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya, HI Christensen
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2004
Online meta-learning by parallel algorithm competition
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 426-433, 2018
Embodied evolution of learning ability
S Elfwing
KTH, 2007
From free energy to expected energy: Improving energy-based value function approximation in reinforcement learning
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Neural Networks 84, 17-27, 2016
Scaled free-energy based reinforcement learning for robust and efficient learning in high-dimensional state spaces
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Frontiers in neurorobotics 7, 3, 2013
Emergence of polymorphic mating strategies in robot colonies
S Elfwing, K Doya
PloS one 9 (4), e93622, 2014
An evolutionary approach to automatic construction of the structure in hierarchical reinforcement learning
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation—GECCO 2003: Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2003
Free-energy based reinforcement learning for vision-based navigation with high-dimensional sensory inputs
S Elfwing, M Otsuka, E Uchibe, K Doya
Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms: 17th International …, 2010
A deep neural network–based decision support tool for the detection of lymph node metastases in colorectal cancer specimens
C Kindler, S Elfwing, J Öhrvik, M Nikberg
Modern Pathology 36 (2), 100015, 2023
Deep reinforcement learning by parallelizing reward and punishment using the maxpain architecture
J Wang, S Elfwing, E Uchibe
2018 Joint IEEE 8th International Conference on Development and Learning and …, 2018
Co-evolution of rewards and meta-parameters in embodied evolution
S Elfwing, E Uchibe, K Doya
Creating Brain-Like Intelligence: From Basic Principles to Complex …, 2009
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Articles 1–20