Demekhina Nina
Demekhina Nina
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Excitation functions of fusion reactions and neutron transfer in the interaction of 6He with 197Au and 206Pb
YE Penionzhkevich, RA Astabatyan, NA Demekhina, GG Gulbekian, ...
The European Physical Journal A 31, 185-194, 2007
Isomeric ratios for and from fusion and transfer in the interaction of 6He with 197Au
AA Kulko, NA Demekhina, R Kalpakchieva, NN Kolesnikov, VG Lukashik, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34 (11), 2297, 2007
Study of the 2n-evaporation channel in the 4, 6He+ 206,208 Pb reactions
SM Lukyanov, YE Penionzhkevich, RA Astabatian, NA Demekhina, ...
Physics Letters B 670 (4-5), 321-324, 2009
Excitation functions for the radionuclide46Sc produced in the irradiation of 45Sc with deuterons and 6He
NK Skobelev, AA Kulko, V Kroha, V Burjan, Z Hons, AV Daniel, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 38 (3), 035106, 2011
Complete and incomplete fusion of 6Li ions with Bi and Pt
YE Penionzhkevich, SM Lukyanov, RA Astabatyan, NA Demekhina, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 36 (2), 025104, 2008
Measurement of the cross-section asymmetry of deuteron photodisintegration process by linearly polarized photons in the energy range E γ = 0.8 …
F Adamian, A Aganiants, Y Borzunov, S Chumakov, N Demekhina, ...
The European Physical Journal A 8, 423-428, 2000
Analysis of isomeric ratios in (γ, n) and (γ, p) reactions around giant-resonance energies
NA Demekhina, AS Danagulyan, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 65, 365-370, 2002
Proton-induced fission on Am, U, and Np at intermediate energies
A Deppman, E Andrade-Ii, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, AR Balabekyan, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (2), 024608, 2013
Photofission of Th and U at intermediate energies
A Deppman, E Andrade-II, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, NA Demekhina
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 054604, 2013
Multimode approximation for 238U photofission at intermediate energies
NA Demekhina, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 71, 27-35, 2008
Superasymmetric fission of heavy nuclei induced by intermediate-energy protons
A Deppman, E Andrade-Ii, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, OAP Tavares, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (6), 064609, 2013
Multimode approach to 241Am and 237Np fission induced by 660-MeV protons
GS Karapetyan, AR Balabekyan, NA Demekhina, J Adam
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 72, 911-916, 2009
Symmetric and asymmetric fission modes in proton-induced fission at 660 MeV of 238U
AR Balabekyan, GS Karapetyan, NA Demekhina, J Adam, K Katovsky
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73, 1814-1819, 2010
Production of the 178m2Hf isomer using a 4.5-GeV electron accelerator
SA Karamian, JJ Carroll, J Adam, NA Demekhina
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Isotopic effects of fragment-yields in proton induced reactions on Sn isotopes
AR Balabekyan, AS Danagulyan, JR Drnoyan, NA Demekhina, J Adam, ...
Nuclear Physics A 735 (1-2), 267-276, 2004
Excitation functions for deuterium-induced reactions on 194Pt near the coulomb barrier
A Kulko, NK Skobelev, V Kroha, YE Penionzhkevich, J Mrázek, V Burjan, ...
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 9, 502-507, 2012
Photonuclear reactions in medium weight nuclei 51V, 55Mn and Cu
AS Danagulyan, NA Demekhina, GA Vartapetyan
Nuclear Physics A 285 (3), 482-492, 1977
η-meson photoproduction on nuclei and determination of ηN-interaction total cross-section
LO Abrahamian, AO Aganiants, FV Adamian, NA Demiokhina, ...
Physics Letters B 44 (3), 301-304, 1973
Study of fusion and nucleon transfer channels in the 197Au + 6He reaction in an energy range of 6He to 20 Mev/A
NK Skobelev, YE Penionzhkevich, AA Kulko, NA Demekhina, V Kroha, ...
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 10, 248-255, 2013
Symmetric and asymmetric modes of 232Th photofission at intermediate energies
NA Demekhina, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73, 24-33, 2010
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