Rishikesh Dilip Kulkarni
Cited by
Cited by
Optical measurement techniques–A push for digitization
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87, 1-17, 2016
Fringe denoising algorithms: a review
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 135, 106190, 2020
Phase unwrapping algorithm using polynomial phase approximation and linear Kalman filter
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Applied optics 57 (4), 702-708, 2018
Automated surface feature detection using fringe projection: An autoregressive modeling-based approach
R Kulkarni, E Banoth, P Pal
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121, 506-511, 2019
Simultaneous unwrapping and low pass filtering of continuous phase maps based on autoregressive phase model and wrapped Kalman filtering
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 124, 105826, 2020
Simultaneous estimation of phase derivative and phase using parallel Kalman filter implementation
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Measurement Science and Technology 27 (6), 065203, 2016
Estimation of phase derivatives using discrete energy separation algorithm in digital holographic interferometry
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics Letters 39 (13), 3722-3724, 2014
Autofocusing in digital holography using eigenvalues
A Ghosh, R Kulkarni, PK Mondal
Applied Optics 60 (4), 1031-1040, 2021
Two-step phase demodulation algorithm based on quadratic phase parameter estimation using state space analysis
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 110, 41-46, 2018
Local-polynomial-approximation-based phase unwrapping using state space analysis
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Applied Optics 56 (1), 29-34, 2016
Phase derivative estimation from a single interferogram using a Kalman smoothing algorithm
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics Letters 40 (16), 3794-3797, 2015
Multiple phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry using product cubic phase function
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 51 (10), 1168-1172, 2013
Surface roughness measurement based on singular value decomposition of objective speckle pattern
SH Patil, R Kulkarni
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 150, 106847, 2022
Three-dimensional displacement measurement from phase signals embedded in a frame in digital holographic interferometry
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Applied Optics 54 (11), 3393-3397, 2015
Fast and accurate autofocusing algorithm in digital holography based on particle swarm optimization
S Rathod, A Ghosh, R Kulkarni
Optik 247, 167946, 2021
Measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane displacements and strains using digital holographic moiré
R Kulkarni, SS Gorthi, P Rastogi
Journal of Modern Optics 61 (9), 755-762, 2014
Single and Multicomponent Digital Optical Signal Analysis: Estimation of Phase and Its Derivatives
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
IOP publishing, 2017
Simultaneous measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane displacements using pseudo-Wigner-Hough transform
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics express 22 (7), 8703-8711, 2014
Simultaneous estimation of unwrapped phase and phase derivative from a closed fringe pattern
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 87, 168-175, 2016
Iterative signal separation based multiple phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry
R Kulkarni, P Rastogi
Optics Express 23 (20), 26842-26852, 2015
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Articles 1–20