Rathin Adhikari
Rathin Adhikari
Professor, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi
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A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter
R Adhikari, M Agostini, NA Ky, T Araki, M Archidiacono, M Bahr, J Baur, ...
Journal of cosmology and astroparticle physics 2017 (01), 025, 2017
Exact solutions for polynomial potentials using supersymmetry inspired factorization method
R Adhikari, R Dutt, YP Varshni
Physics Letters A 141 (1-2), 1-8, 1989
Higher-order WKB approximations in supersymmetric quantum mechanics
R Adhikari, R Dutt, A Khare, UP Sukhatme
Physical Review A 38 (4), 1679, 1988
Light neutrinos from massless texture and below TeV seesaw scale
R Adhikari, A Raychaudhuri
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (3), 033002, 2011
New U (1) gauge model of radiative lepton masses with sterile neutrino and dark matter
R Adhikari, D Borah, E Ma
Physics Letters B 755, 414-417, 2016
LSND, solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiments, and R-parity violating supersymmetry
R Adhikari, G Omanovic
Physical Review D 59 (7), 073003, 1999
Constraints on mixing angles of Majorana neutrinos
R Adhikari, G Rajasekaran
Physical Review D 61 (3), 031301, 1999
Can R-parity violating supersymmetry be seen in long baseline beta-beam experiments?
R Adhikari, SK Agarwalla, A Raychaudhuri
Physics Letters B 642 (1-2), 111-118, 2006
Nonstandard interactions in neutrino oscillations<? format?> and the recent Daya Bay and T2K experiments
R Adhikari, S Chakraborty, A Dasgupta, S Roy
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (7), 073010, 2012
Seesaw neutrino mass and new U (1) gauge symmetry
R Adhikari, J Erler, E Ma
Physics Letters B 672 (2), 136-140, 2009
Three inequivalent mass-degenerate Majorana neutrinos and a scenario of their splitting for neutrino oscillations
R Adhikari, E Ma, G Rajasekaran
Physics Letters B 486 (1-2), 134-139, 2000
Exact solutions for nonpolynomial potentials in N‐space dimensions using a factorization method and supersymmetry
R Adhikari, R Dutt, YP Varshni
Journal of mathematical physics 32 (2), 447-456, 1991
The discovery reach of CP violation in neutrino oscillation with non-standard interaction effects
Z Rahman, A Dasgupta, R Adhikari
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 42 (6), 065001, 2015
Baryogenesis in a supersymmetric model without R-parity
R Adhikari, U Sarkar
Physics Letters B 427 (1-2), 59-64, 1998
Abelian gauge extension of the standard model: Dark matter and radiative neutrino mass
D Borah, R Adhikari
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (9), 095002, 2012
Baryogenesis through R-parity violation
U Sarkar, R Adhikari
Physical Review D 55 (6), 3836, 1997
On the averaging of energy eigenvalues in the Supersymmetric WKB method
RDYPV R. Adhikari
Physics Letters A 131, 217, 1988
Power law plateau inflation potential in the RS II braneworld evading swampland conjecture
R Adhikari, MR Gangopadhyay, Yogesh
The European Physical Journal C 80 (9), 899, 2020
Common origin of the 3.55 keV x-ray line and the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess in a radiative neutrino mass model
D Borah, A Dasgupta, R Adhikari
Physical Review D 92 (7), 075005, 2015
Common radiative origin of active and sterile neutrino masses
D Borah, R Adhikari
Physics Letters B 729, 143-148, 2014
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Articles 1–20