Marcella Kelly
Marcella Kelly
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The use of camera traps for estimating jaguar Panthera onca abundance and density using capture/recapture analysis
SC Silver, LET Ostro, LK Marsh, L Maffei, AJ Noss, MJ Kelly, RB Wallace, ...
Oryx 38 (2), 148-154, 2004
A critical review of home range studies
PN Laver, MJ Kelly
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (1), 290-298, 2008
Camera trapping of carnivores: trap success among camera types and across species, and habitat selection by species, on Salt Pond Mountain, Giles County, Virginia
MJ Kelly, EL Holub
Northeastern naturalist 15 (2), 249-262, 2008
Estimating puma densities from camera trapping across three study sites: Bolivia, Argentina, and Belize
MJ Kelly, AJ Noss, MS Di Bitetti, L Maffei, RL Arispe, A Paviolo, ...
Journal of mammalogy 89 (2), 408-418, 2008
Computer-aided photograph matching in studies using individual identification: an example from Serengeti cheetahs
MJ Kelly
Journal of Mammalogy 82 (2), 440-449, 2001
Ocelot Leopardus pardalis in Belize: the impact of trap spacing and distance moved on density estimates
A Dillon, MJ Kelly
Oryx 41 (4), 469-477, 2007
Ocelot home range, overlap and density: comparing radio telemetry with camera trapping
A Dillon, MJ Kelly
Journal of Zoology 275 (4), 391-398, 2008
Using camera trapping and hierarchical occupancy modelling to evaluate the spatial ecology of an African mammal community
LN Rich, DAW Miller, HS Robinson, JW McNutt, MJ Kelly
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (4), 1225-1235, 2016
Design, evaluate, refine: camera trap studies for elusive species.
MJ Kelly
Animal Conservation 11 (3), 2008
Evaluating the potential biases in carnivore capture–recapture studies associated with the use of lure and varying density estimation techniques using photographic-sampling …
BD Gerber, SM Karpanty, MJ Kelly
Population ecology 54, 43-54, 2012
Tigers need cover: multi-scale occupancy study of the big cat in Sumatran forest and plantation landscapes
S Sunarto, MJ Kelly, K Parakkasi, S Klenzendorf, E Septayuda, ...
Plos one 7 (1), e30859, 2012
Carnivore co‐existence and habitat use in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Belize
ML Davis, MJ Kelly, DF Stauffer
Animal Conservation 14 (1), 56-65, 2011
Demography of the Serengeti cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) population: the first 25 years
MJ Kelly, MK Laurenson, CD FitzGibbon, DA Collins, SM Durant, ...
Journal of Zoology 244 (4), 473-488, 1998
Assessing global patterns in mammalian carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys
LN Rich, CL Davis, ZJ Farris, DAW Miller, JM Tucker, S Hamel, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (8), 918-929, 2017
Cat coexistence in central S umatra: ecological characteristics, spatial and temporal overlap, and implications for management
S Sunarto, MJ Kelly, K Parakkasi, MB Hutajulu
Journal of Zoology 296 (2), 104-115, 2015
Noninvasive sampling for carnivores
MJ Kelly, J Betsch, C Wultsch, B Mesa, LS Mills
Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques, 47-69, 2012
Panthera onca
A Caso, C Lopez-Gonzalez, E Payan, E Eizirik, T De Oliveira, ...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2008
Comparing capture-recapture, mark-resight, and spatial mark-resight models for estimating puma densities via camera traps
LN Rich, MJ Kelly, R Sollmann, AJ Noss, L Maffei, RL Arispe, A Paviolo, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 95 (2), 382-391, 2014
Puma concolor
C Nielsen, D Thompson, M Kelly, CA Lopez-Gonzalez
The IUCN red list of threatened species 2015, 2015
Estimating carnivore densities for conservation purposes: indirect methods compared to baseline demographic data
PM Gros, MJ Kelly, TM Caro
Oikos, 197-206, 1996
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Articles 1–20