Fabio Sabetta
Fabio Sabetta
Professore incaricato di sismologia a Ingegneria Roma3
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Estimation of response spectra and simulation of nonstationary earthquake ground motions
F Sabetta, A Pugliese
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 86 (2), 337-352, 1996
Attenuation of peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from Italian strong-motion records
F Sabetta, A Pugliese
Bulletin of the seismological Society of America 77 (5), 1491-1513, 1987
ITACA (ITalian ACcelerometric Archive): a web portal for the dissemination of Italian strong-motion data
L Luzi, S Hailemikael, D Bindi, F Pacor, F Mele, F Sabetta
Seismological Research Letters 79 (5), 716-722, 2008
The challenge of defining upper bounds on earthquake ground motions
JJ Bommer, NA Abrahamson, FO Strasser, A Pecker, PY Bard, H Bungum, ...
Seismological Research Letters 75 (1), 82-95, 2004
Damage patterns in the town of Amatrice after August 24th 2016 Central Italy earthquakes
G Fiorentino, A Forte, E Pagano, F Sabetta, C Baggio, D Lavorato, C Nuti, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 1399-1423, 2018
Empirical fragility curves from damage surveys and estimated strong ground motion
F Sabetta, A Goretti, A Lucantoni
Proceedings of the 11th European conference on earthquake engineering, Paris …, 1998
Sensitivity of PSHA results to ground motion prediction relations and logic-tree weights
F Sabetta, A Lucantoni, H Bungum, JJ Bommer
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 25 (4), 317-329, 2005
Recorded Motions of the 6 April 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila, Italy, Earthquake and Implications for Building Structural Damage: Overview
M Çelebi, P Bazzurro, L Chiaraluce, P Clemente, L Decanini, A DeSortis, ...
Earthquake Spectra 26 (3), 651-684, 2010
Characteristics of the strong ground motions from the 6 April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, Italy
A Akinci, L Malagnini, F Sabetta
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (5), 320-335, 2010
Carte di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale
D Albarello, V Bosi, F Bramerini, A Lucantoni, G Naso, L Peruzza, ...
Quaderni di geofisica 12 (7), 2000
A comparative study of European earthquake loss estimation tools for a scenario in Istanbul
FO Strasser, JJ Bommer, K Şeşetyan, M Erdik, Z Çağnan, J Irizarry, ...
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 12 (S2), 246-256, 2008
From non-invasive site characterization to site amplification: recent advances in the use of ambient vibration measurements
PY Bard, H Cadet, B Endrun, M Hobiger, F Renalier, N Theodulidis, ...
Earthquake engineering in Europe, 105-123, 2010
Il rischio sismico in Italia
A Lucantoni, V Bosi, F Bramerini, R De Marco, T Lo Presti, G Naso, ...
Ingegneria Sismica 1 (2001), 5-36, 2001
Rischio sismico del territorio italiano.
F Bramerini, G Di Pasquale, G Orsini, A Pugliese, R Romeo, F Sabetta
Stima di spettri di risposta da registrazioni di forti terremoti italiani
A Pugliese, F Sabetta
Ingegneria Sismica 6 (2), 3-14, 1989
Towards a new reference ground motion prediction equation for Italy: update of the Sabetta–Pugliese (1996)
D Bindi, L Luzi, F Pacor, F Sabetta, M Massa
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 7, 591-608, 2009
Proposta di riclassificazione sismica del territorio nazionale.
C Gavarini, P Pinto, L Decanini, G Di Pasquale, A Pugliese, R Romeo, ...
Ingegneria sismica 16, 5-14, 1999
Modification of the spectral shapes and subsoil conditions in Eurocode 8
F Sabetta, J Bommer
12th European conference on earthquake engineering 1, 2002
Rischio sismico del territorio italiano. Proposta per una metodologia e risultati preliminari. Rapporto tecnico del Servizio Sismico Nazionale SSN
F Bramerini, G Di Pasquale, A Orsini, A Pugliese, R Romeo, F Sabetta
SSN/RT/95/01, Roma (in Italian), 1995
Simulation of non‑stationary stochastic ground motions based on recent Italian earthquakes
LL Sabetta F., Pugliese A., Fiorentino G., Lanzano G.
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021
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Articles 1–20