Articles with public access mandates - József KardosLearn more
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Reversible Heat-Induced Dissociation of β2-Microglobulin Amyloid Fibrils
J Kardos, A Micsonai, H Pál-Gábor, É Petrik, L Gráf, J Kovács, YH Lee, ...
Biochemistry 50 (15), 3211-3220, 2011
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Effects of a reduced disulfide bond on aggregation properties of the human IgG1 CH3 domain
K Sakurai, R Nakahata, YH Lee, J Kardos, T Ikegami, Y Goto
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1854 (10), 1526-1535, 2015
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Thioflavin T-Silent Denaturation Intermediates Support the Main-Chain-Dominated Architecture of Amyloid Fibrils
S Noda, M So, M Adachi, J Kardos, Y Akazawa-Ogawa, Y Hagihara, ...
Biochemistry 55 (28), 3937-3948, 2016
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Without binding ATP, human Rad51 does not form helical filaments on ssDNA
G Schay, B Borka, L Kernya, E Bulyáki, J Kardos, M Fekete, J Fidy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (9), 2165-2178, 2016
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Amyloid Formation under Complicated Conditions in Which β2-Microglobulin Coexists with Its Proteolytic Fragments
H Muta, M So, K Sakurai, J Kardos, H Naiki, Y Goto
Biochemistry 58 (49), 4925-4934, 2019
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Approaching Protein Aggregation and Structural Dynamics by Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Paramagnetic Perturbation
Y Hunashal, M Percipalle, T Molnár, J Kardos, P Percipalle, G Esposito
Analytical Chemistry 94 (31), 10949-10958, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Available somewhere: 57
Accurate secondary structure prediction and fold recognition for circular dichroism spectroscopy
A Micsonai, F Wien, L Kernya, YH Lee, Y Goto, M Réfrégiers, J Kardos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (24), E3095-E3103, 2015
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National …
BeStSel: a web server for accurate protein secondary structure prediction and fold recognition from the circular dichroism spectra
A Micsonai, F Wien, É Bulyáki, J Kun, É Moussong, YH Lee, Y Goto, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W315-W322, 2018
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Office for Research, Development and …
BeStSel: webserver for secondary structure and fold prediction for protein CD spectroscopy
A Micsonai, É Moussong, F Wien, E Boros, H Vadászi, N Murvai, YH Lee, ...
Nucleic Acids Research, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Local apoptotic-like mechanisms underlie complement-mediated synaptic pruning
BA Györffy, J Kun, G Török, É Bulyáki, Z Borhegyi, P Gulyássy, V Kis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (24), 6303-6308, 2018
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Office for Research, Development and …
BeStSel: from secondary structure analysis to protein fold prediction by circular dichroism spectroscopy
A Micsonai, É Bulyáki, J Kardos
Structural Genomics: General Applications, 175-189, 2021
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Office for Research, Development and …
Heat of supersaturation-limited amyloid burst directly monitored by isothermal titration calorimetry
T Ikenoue, YH Lee, J Kardos, H Yagi, T Ikegami, H Naiki, Y Goto
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (18), 6654-6659, 2014
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Supersaturation-limited and unlimited phase transitions compete to produce the pathway complexity in amyloid fibrillation
M Adachi, M So, K Sakurai, J Kardos, Y Goto
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (29), 18134-18145, 2015
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Supersaturation-limited amyloid fibrillation of insulin revealed by ultrasonication
H Muta, YH Lee, J Kardos, Y Lin, H Yagi, Y Goto
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (26), 18228-18238, 2014
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Synaptic mitochondrial dysfunction and septin accumulation are linked to complement-mediated synapse loss in an Alzheimer’s disease animal model
BA Györffy, V Tóth, G Török, P Gulyássy, RÁ Kovács, H Vadászi, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77 (24), 5243-5258, 2020
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National …
Breakdown of supersaturation barrier links protein folding to amyloid formation
M Noji, T Samejima, K Yamaguchi, M So, K Yuzu, E Chatani, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 120, 2021
Mandates: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, UK Medical Research Council …
Disordered–ordered protein binary classification by circular dichroism spectroscopy
A Micsonai, É Moussong, N Murvai, Á Tantos, O Tőke, M Réfrégiers, ...
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9, 863141, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Affinity, avidity, and kinetics of target sequence binding to LC8 dynein light chain isoforms
L Radnai, P Rapali, Z Hódi, D Süveges, T Molnár, B Kiss, B Bécsi, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (49), 38649-38657, 2010
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Possible mechanisms of polyphosphate-induced amyloid fibril formation of β2-microglobulin
C Zhang, K Yamaguchi, M So, K Sasahara, T Ito, S Yamamoto, I Narita, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (26), 12833-12838, 2019
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
A multi‐pathway perspective on protein aggregation: Implications for control of the rate and extent of amyloid formation
D Hall, J Kardos, H Edskes, JA Carver, Y Goto
FEBS letters 589 (6), 672-679, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, National Health and Medical Research …
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