Arthur H Edwards
Arthur H Edwards
Senior Research Physicist, Air Force Research Laboratory
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Theory of the peroxy-radical defect in a-Si O 2
AH Edwards, WB Fowler
Physical Review B 26 (12), 6649, 1982
Electronic structure of intrinsic defects in crystalline germanium telluride
AH Edwards, AC Pineda, PA Schultz, MG Martin, AP Thompson, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (4), 045210, 2006
Post‐irradiation cracking of H2 and formation of interface states in irradiated metal‐oxide‐semiconductor field‐effect transistors
RE Stahlbush, AH Edwards, DL Griscom, BJ Mrstik
Journal of applied physics 73 (2), 658-667, 1993
Asymmetry and long-range character of lattice deformation by neutral oxygen vacancy in α-quartz
VB Sulimov, PV Sushko, AH Edwards, AL Shluger, AM Stoneham
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024108, 2002
Mechanisms for radiation dose-rate sensitivity of bipolar transistors
HP Hjalmarson, RL Pease, SC Witczak, MR Shaneyfelt, JR Schwank, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 50 (6), 1901-1909, 2003
Theory of the P b center at the< 111> Si/SiO 2 interface
AH Edwards
Physical Review B 36 (18), 9638, 1987
Interaction of H and H 2 with the silicon dangling orbital at the< 111> Si/SiO 2 interface
AH Edwards
Physical Review B 44 (4), 1832, 1991
Reconfigurable memristive device technologies
AH Edwards, HJ Barnaby, KA Campbell, MN Kozicki, W Liu, MJ Marinella
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (7), 1004-1033, 2015
Theory of persistent, p-type, metallic conduction in c-GeTe
AH Edwards, AC Pineda, PA Schultz, MG Martin, AP Thompson, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (32), L329, 2005
An introduction to reconfigurable systems
JC Lyke, CG Christodoulou, GA Vera, AH Edwards
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (3), 291-317, 2015
Semiempirical molecular orbital techniques applied to silicon dioxide: MINDO/3
AH Edwards, WB Fowler
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 46 (7), 841-857, 1985
Layer intermixing during metal/metal oxide adsorption: Ti/sapphire (0001)
C Verdozzi, PA Schultz, R Wu, AH Edwards, N Kioussis
Physical Review B 66 (12), 125408, 2002
Calibration of embedded-cluster method for defect studies in amorphous silica
AS Mysovsky, PV Sushko, S Mukhopadhyay, AH Edwards, AL Shluger
Physical Review B 69 (8), 085202, 2004
Interaction of hydrogen with defects in a-SiO2
AH Edwards, JA Pickard, RE Stahlbush
Journal of non-crystalline solids 179, 148-161, 1994
Dissociation of H2 at silicon dangling orbitals in a-SiO2: a quantum mechanical treatment of nuclear motion
AH Edwards
Journal of non-crystalline solids 187, 232-243, 1995
Interaction of hydrogenated molecules with intrinsic defects in a-SiO2
AH Edwards, G Germann
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1988
Theory of the self-trapped hole in a-SiO 2
AH Edwards
Physical review letters 71 (19), 3190, 1993
Thermally activated electron capture by mobile protons in SiO2 thin films
K Vanheusden, SP Karna, RD Pugh, WL Warren, DM Fleetwood, ...
Applied Physics Letters 72 ((1)), 28--30, 1998
Transient thermal gradients in barium titanate positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors
DS Smith, N Ghayoub, I Charissou, O Bellon, P Abélard, AH Edwards
Journal of the American ceramic Society 81 (7), 1789-1796, 1998
Asymmetrical relaxation of simple E’centers in silicon dioxide isomorphs
AH Edwards, WB Fowler, FJ Feigl
Physical Review B 37 (15), 9000, 1988
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