Ceji Fu
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Cited by
Review of near‐field thermal radiation and its application to energy conversion
S Basu, ZM Zhang, CJ Fu
International Journal of Energy Research 33 (13), 1203-1232, 2009
Nanoscale radiation heat transfer for silicon at different doping levels
CJ Fu, ZM Zhang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (9-10), 1703-1718, 2006
Unusual photon tunneling in the presence of a layer with a negative refractive index
ZM Zhang, CJ Fu
Applied Physics Letters 80 (6), 1097-1099, 2002
Coherent thermal emission from one-dimensional photonic crystals
BJ Lee, CJ Fu, ZM Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 87 (7), 2005
Study of the surface and bulk polaritons with a negative index metamaterial
K Park, BJ Lee, C Fu, ZM Zhang
JOSA B 22 (5), 1016-1023, 2005
Validity of Kirchhoff's law for semitransparent films made of anisotropic materials
ZM Zhang, X Wu, C Fu
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 245, 106904, 2020
Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer Between Two α-MoO3 Biaxial Crystals
X Wu, C Fu, ZM Zhang
Journal of Heat Transfer 142 (7), 072802, 2020
Near-field radiative heat transfer between two plane surfaces with one having a dielectric coating
CJ Fu, WC Tan
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110 (12), 1027-1036, 2009
Optical and thermal radiative properties of semiconductors related to micro/nanotechnology
ZM Zhang, CJ Fu, QZ Zhu
Advances in Heat Transfer 37 (3), 179-296, 2003
Slip-flow and heat transfer of a non-Newtonian nanofluid in a microtube
J Niu, C Fu, W Tan
Plos one 7 (5), e37274, 2012
Influence of hBN orientation on the near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene/hBN heterostructures
X Wu, C Fu, Z Zhang
Journal of Photonics for Energy 9 (3), 032702-032702, 2019
An anomalous subdiffusion model for calcium spark in cardiac myocytes
W Tan, C Fu, C Fu, W Xie, H Cheng
Applied physics letters 91 (18), 2007
Thermal radiative properties of metamaterials and other nanostructured materials: A review
C Fu, ZM Zhang
Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China 3, 11-26, 2009
Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of thermal convection for Oldroyd-B fluids in porous media heated from below
Z Zhang, C Fu, W Tan
Physics of Fluids 20 (8), 2008
Chiral absorbers based on polarization conversion and excitation of magnetic polaritons
X Wu, C Fu, ZM Zhang
ES Energy & Environment 8 (2), 5-14, 2020
Planar heterogeneous structures for coherent emission of radiation
CJ Fu, ZM Zhang, DB Tanner
Optics Letters 30 (14), 1873-1875, 2005
Near-field radiative heat transfer between uniaxial hyperbolic media: role of volume and surface phonon polaritons
X Wu, C Fu
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 258, 107337, 2021
Near-field radiative modulator based on dissimilar hyperbolic materials with in-plane anisotropy
X Wu, C Fu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 168, 120908, 2021
Yttria-stabilized zirconia coating for passive daytime radiative cooling in humid environment
J Fan, C Fu, T Fu
Applied Thermal Engineering 165, 114585, 2020
Strong nonreciprocal thermal radiation of transverse electric wave in Weyl semimetal
J Wu, B Wu, K Shi, X Wu, C Fu
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 187, 108172, 2023
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