Milan Pokorny
Milan Pokorny
Univerzita Karlova, Praha
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Cited by
On the regularity of the solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations via one velocity component
Y Zhou, M Pokorný
Nonlinearity 23 (5), 1097, 2010
On Axially Symmetric Flows in
S Leonardi, J Málek, J Nečas, M Pokorný
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 18 (3), 639-649, 1999
Some new regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations containing gradient of the velocity
P Penel, M Pokorný
Applications of Mathematics 49, 483-493, 2004
On a regularity criterion for the Navier–Stokes equations involving gradient of one velocity component
Y Zhou, M Pokorný
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (12), 2009
Cauchy problem for the non-Newtonian viscous incompressible fluid
M Pokorný
Applications of Mathematics 41 (3), 169-201, 1996
Time-periodic solutions to the full Navier–Stokes–Fourier system
E Feireisl, PB Mucha, A Novotný, M Pokorný
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 204, 745-786, 2012
Steady compressible Navier–Stokes–Fourier system for monoatomic gas and its generalizations
A Novotný, M Pokorný
Journal of Differential Equations 251 (2), 270-315, 2011
On the result of He concerning the smoothness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations.
M Pokorný
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)[electronic only] 2003 …, 2003
Estimates of Oseen kernels in weighted Lp spaces
S Kracmar, A Novotný, M Pokorný
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 53 (1), 59-111, 2001
Mathematical theory of compressible viscous fluids
E Feireisl, TG Karper, M Pokorný
Birkhauser, 2016
Weak solutions for some compressible multicomponent fluid models
A Novotný, M Pokorný
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 235 (1), 355-403, 2020
Axisymmetric flow of Navier-Stokes fluid in the whole space with non-zero angular velocity component
J Neustupa, M Pokorný
Mathematica Bohemica 126 (2), 469-481, 2001
An interior regularity criterion for an axially symmetric suitable weak solution to the Navier—Stokes equations
J Neustupa, M Pokorný
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 2 (4), 381-399, 2000
On the steady compressible Navier–Stokes–Fourier system
PB Mucha, M Pokorný
Communications in Mathematical Physics 288, 349-377, 2009
Weak solutions to equations of steady compressible heat conducting fluids
PB Mucha, M Pokorný
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (05), 785-813, 2010
Weak and variational solutions to steady equations for compressible heat conducting fluids
A Novotný, M Pokorný
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 43 (3), 1158-1188, 2011
Heat-conducting, compressible mixtures with multicomponent diffusion: construction of a weak solution
PB Mucha, M Pokorny, E Zatorska
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 47 (5), 3747-3797, 2015
On anisotropic regularity criteria for the solutions to 3D Navier–Stokes equations
P Penel, M Pokorný
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 13 (3), 341-353, 2011
Existence of weak solutions for compressible Navier–Stokes equations with entropy transport
D Maltese, M Michálek, PB Mucha, A Novotný, M Pokorný, E Zatorska
Journal of Differential Equations 261 (8), 4448-4485, 2016
Orientation of symmetric bodies falling in a second-order liquid at nonzero Reynolds number
GP Galdi, A Vaidya, M Pokorný, DD Joseph, J Feng
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 12 (11), 1653-1690, 2002
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Articles 1–20