Anitha Manohar
Cited by
Cited by
Cortex-dependent recovery of unassisted hindlimb locomotion after complete spinal cord injury in adult rats
A Manohar, G Foffani, PD Ganzer, JR Bethea, KA Moxon
Elife 6, e23532, 2017
Decoding hindlimb movement for a brain machine interface after a complete spinal transection
A Manohar, RD Flint, E Knudsen, KA Moxon
PloS one 7 (12), e52173, 2012
Brainstem network dynamics underlying the encoding of bladder information
A Manohar, AL Curtis, SA Zderic, RJ Valentino
Elife 6, e29917, 2017
Therapy induces widespread reorganization of motor cortex after complete spinal transection that supports motor recovery
PD Ganzer, A Manohar, JS Shumsky, KA Moxon
Experimental neurology 279, 1-12, 2016
Role of neuronal plasticity after spinal cord injury for neurorobotic control
A Manohar, RD Flint, E Knudsen, KA Moxon
2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 534-537, 2011
Cortex-dependent recovery of unassisted hindlimb locomotion after complete spinal cord
A Manohar, G Foffani, PD Ganzer
Representation of sensorimotor information in the rat hindlimb cortex after a complete spinal cord injury
A Manohar
Drexel University, 2015
Decoding Neuropathic Pain in the Central Nervous System Through the Peri-Stimulus Histogram Method
C Beringer, A Manohar, K Moxon, A Graziano
2013 39th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 211-212, 2013
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Articles 1–8