Stephanie Rizio
Stephanie Rizio
University of Groningen, University of Melbourne
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Cited by
Low Carbon Readiness Index: A short measure to predict private low carbon behaviour
LV O'Brien, J Meis, RC Anderson, SM Rizio, M Ambrose, G Bruce, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 57, 34-44, 2018
How often do dictators have positive economic effects? Global evidence, 1858–2010
SM Rizio, A Skali
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (3), 101302, 2020
Early COVID-19 government communication is associated with reduced interest in the QAnon conspiracy theory
HF Chan, SM Rizio, A Skali, B Torgler
Frontiers in psychology 12, 681975, 2021
Do Victoria’s households leave less money on the table when they switch electricity retailers
B Mountain, S Rizio
No. Working Paper 1909). Melbourne. Retrieved from https://docs. wixstatic …, 2019
(Un) intended spillovers of green government policies: The case of plastic regulations
J van Doorn, H Risselada, SM Rizio, M Ye
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-23, 2024
Patience predicts attitudes toward vaccination and uptake of vaccines
HF Chan, SM Rizio, A Skali, B Torgler
Social Psychological and Personality Science 15 (6), 639-649, 2024
Patience and Vaccination
HF Chan, S Rizio, A Skali, B Torgler
Available at SSRN 3962600, 2021
of plastic regulations
J van Doorn, H Risselada, SM Rizio, M Ye
The economy and environmental attitudes: Does a good economy make citizens care more about the environment?
SM Rizio, Y Kashima
bioRxiv, 502682, 2018
The Economy and Environmental Attitudes: A Review of the Current Literature
SM Rizio, E Harris, Y Kashima
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Articles 1–10